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A Spelling Bee by Any Other Name

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didn't know they had them in China, since to 'spell' a word, you would simply pronounce each character. This involves knowing how to DRAW each character


Chinese TV's Latest Hit Features a Character-Driven Plot



The word "toad" would be a snap in an English-language spelling bee, but not in a nationally televised contest in China.


In Chinese, toad has three characters that are made up of 46 individual strokes.


Yu Shuang, a 14-year-old contestant, came close in an early round. As her teammates squealed and drew out the word in the air, Miss Yu quickly wrote the characters on a screen that projected her effort on a big display above her head.


When she finished, one of three judges hit the buzzer signaling a correct answer, bringing cheers. But the other two didn't agree, pointing out that the young girl had missed a single dot in the third character. "You were obviously very nervous just now," said the judge, as Miss Yu's teammates groaned in disappointment backstage.


Miss Yu wasn't alone. The show tested a group of adults in the audience, and just 30% of them could write toad correctly, state media lamented after the broadcast. "It's a word that everyone knows," said the Xinhua News Agency.


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