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Chongyang (Double 9) Festival

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Seems like another version of Qing Ming, to me. We visited Jiaying's ma-ternal grandmother's last residence and burial ground (nearby), and cleaned it up just like for her pa-ternal ancestors on Qing Ming.


On this holiday some Chinese also visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects.



Her ma-ternal grandmother, Jiaying tells me, was more of a peasant type, needed to work in the field, and so didn't have to endure the foot binding that her pa-ternal grandmother did.


Jiaying spent her first seven years on this property, before she went to attend school in Yulin. The building she lived in is no longer there - after a couple of deaths in the family (a 24 year-old uncle, and a 10 year-old son of another uncle), she (the grandmother) moved to this smaller building next to the old one.




Some of our relatives on that side. Notice the water pump. It still looks functional, but un-primed. The old house was off to the right in this picture.




An idyllic scene nearby. Lots of hibiscus flowers nearby




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Offerings for the deceased. Now, I know that she's lived in Yulin all her life, but I have to question - a Chinese person who squats without her heels on the ground? Maybe I caught her leaning forward, or something





. . . and the requisite forecrackers



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