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The 6 ft. Club and Other "Sons of bourgeoisie"

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Sons of bourgeoisie





But motorcycle clubs in Beijing don't have the intense rivalries associated with their American counterparts. Passing each other on lonely roads, riders don't hesitate to shoot a thumbs up or offer a friendly honk to passing bikers.

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"We don't hang out with other clubs. To be honest, I like stuff that others don't like," said Yin Ziqi, 28, one of the founding members of the Retro Bikes Club. "Some other clubs do business on the side by selling or modifying bikes, but not us. Our club is united by the desire to ride together, which is why we continue to grow."


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Most motorcycles in Beijing, which are banned from being ridden within the Fourth Ring Road, are registered in other provinces if they are registered at all. Fake license plates are abundant on Taobao.com, China's largest online retail website.


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Riding motorcycles in Beijing can also be risky business, according to all three riders interviewed by Metropolitan.

"Almost every time we ride, we see riders who have crashed," said Zhou.

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Zhou said his friends often receive complaints from senior residents about the noise their motorcycles cause, but insists their bikes strike a balance by "being cool without showing off."


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