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The Global Times on Putin's Op-Ed Piece

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I'm not intending to discuss any politics behind U.S. intervention in Syria, but only to relate the Global Times' editorial


Putin right to slam US exceptionalism


Although the US is filled with many controversies within, it is admirable that the whole of society is able to unite as one in the face of vital problems. This has contributed to the US' becoming the only superpower in the world.

The theory of American exceptionalism can be traced to the 18th century. It is a realistic reflection of the US being proud of its achievements, and also a religious view of the US being blessed by God. It is a sign of the idealism that guides the US, and also the foundation for political governance in the nation.

Some assume that only when the US becomes a "second-class country" can this theory fade away from its core values. But such an assumption makes no sense from the perspective of international politics.

However, Putin's courage and action in touching Uncle Sam's most sensitive nerve should be applauded. The US has been bossing the world around for years, but there are few heavyweight critics who can deal Washington a heavy blow. The US, more or less, has been "spoiled" by the rest of the world.



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