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Count Me as "Cheap in China"

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This article just reeks of absurdity to me I consider myself a fairly high end user. Chinese phones seem to last around 2 years before something breaks, so this time around, I bought a dual core, mid-range Samsung for under ¥2000. This phone has as much power as I could ever want away from my home computer. If you want to spend $500 to $1000 for a telephone, good for you. If not, well, there's plenty available in a much lower price range that will more than likely be good enough.

Cheap iPhone Not Cheap Enough in China
The unsubsidized 16GB iPhone 5c is being offered at 4,488 yuan ($733) in China, barely less the 5,000 yuan Chinese consumers had to fork out for the old iPhone 5 and significantly higher than the 3,000 yuan analysts had predicted as a likely price for the new phone.



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