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Sea cucumbers

tsap seui

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You and Mick are so self absorbed with your blow-up animals.

Consider your wives, they watch you two and are jealous of the critters.


This "cucumber" is for THEM not you !

Well I'll be dipped in dog doo - you gots a point thar credzber - from the shape of that cucumber, it must be fer wimmin folk - that is- ifin' they makes uh blow up variety. Or worse, ifin' they a'int fer wimmin folk, and they is shaped like that thar sea cucumber, lordy - then they might be fer - :secret: :sweating_buckets:






Tell that little rabbit you are all for fun and games, but NOT LIKE THAT !!

Sorry, ain't no cucumbers in America, :nonono: thats all there is toit. Not allowed in this country.

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From your neck of the woods I would be trying Asian Groceries in Harrisburg PA or perhaps up in Rochester NY


There are several Asian groceries I know of in Rochester though I don't know if they have the Sea cucumber.




Give them a call and ask, and if they do, and you want to do lunch give me a ring.

Dan, tonights call to dat lil' rabbit wound up with her happy that I had done some research on these critters. Life is often a test....lol Anyhow, she says the dried sea cucumber is what she's looking for. She has a friend up oin Altoona how buys sea cucumber in America and takes it to China as gifts to friends.


Wenyan says dried sea cucumber in China sells for 6,000-8,000rmb per kilo. What I saw on one online store was about $1,000 per kilo, pert near same as China prices.


So, what we...I mean...she who must be obeyed....decided to do is wait until she comes home for her binge over in Chinartucky and go straight up to see her friend in Altoona, find out where and for how much she is buying this critter.


I thank you for that link and number, and I will wait until the boss comes home and we'll use that in our research.


This is the first I've heard of sea cucumber. Evidently she has talked to the folks up in State College and their price was high. I found it online from Hawaii and other parts of America...and...the prices loo high to me here too, sorta like ginseng or something.


I'll let any sea cucumber abusers, aficionados, smokers, and eaters know what we find.


Plus, I gotta find out jes what this bad girl I calls my wife RALLY plans to do with this here sea cucumber things. I saw photos of the dried ones online and I got some questions to axe my lil' waa waa. I sincerely hope she plans on eating these things, and not replacing my er ah....services.


I may have to make a few prototypes of the blow up version of this critter as well as making a few of those Dilbert things fer the ladies. Maybe I could advertise them on Hustler or those late night sex toy shows on cable. I wonder if'n the "Doc Johnson" line of pleasure toys would carry this critter. One ad says they swell to twice their size when moisture is applied....cough, cough....I'm not tellin my lil' dear about that though. How embarrassin' would it be to be left fer a dadgum sea cucumber...heavens to murgatrory.

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