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Seen as an Insensitive or a racial biased or?


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The TV story about the names of pilots of Asiana 214 that some categorizes as a prank pisses me off. I hope some heads roles. At best the story might be seen as being an insensitive prank. Imagine the grieving parents watching that news story. Even if the parents understand the play on words I don't think they would get a laugh out of it.


I view it differently. For me it is at best on the border line of a deliberately racial biased incident. Someone wrote that story. I am thinking that someone probably also proofread it and checked it for content and approved it. People died and many were seriously injured. It is not laughing matter. It should have never been aired on the news.


I am sure there are many people who got a laugh out of the story. But I am sure not many were Chinese. I am for one very tired about racially biased jokes. Jokes that seem to need to make fun of a race or ethnic group. Our loved ones are Asians and Chinese. It is a shame that they have to be subjected to such things. The endless slant eye, Chinese food, chopsticks, broken English, etc remarks.


Thanks for reading my rant.




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On top of that, the station is claiming that the NTSB verified the information.


"Prior to air, the names were confirmed by an NTSB official in the agency's Washington D.C. office." - no way can I believe this.


I agree completely.

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Imma big fan of humor in any and all shapes and forms, and I'm not a fan of political correctness.


There is a time and place for everything.


I watched that video.... turned it off in disgust and walked away from the damn computer.


Like the idiot pilots (and I use the term pilots very loosely) who flew that plane into the ground in the first place, whoever is responsible for that trash should be handcuffed, have bags that held dead fish in them for a week out in the hot sun placed over their heads, taken out back, and summarily shot.


No excuse for such stupidity.


tsap seui

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There is a time and place for some ethnic humor but this is way beyond anything acceptable. With families grieving and people worried about whether or not their loved ones halfway around the world will survive it is outrageous. This is a major TV station in an area with a huge Asian population. You would think they would know better. If heads don't roll something is very very wrong.

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Like I said in another thread, I cannot imagine how this ever made it on the air. Someone should have caught this before it ever rolled on a teleprompter for the bonehead at the anchor desk to read it.

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