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B2 Visa documents for non-relative

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My step daughter's boy friend and possible future fiancee wants to visit us and is applying for his B2 Visa. He has documentation to establish his strong ties to China. I have sent him a brief invitation letter stating that he can stay with my wife and I while in the US.


My questions is, do I need to provide him with my financial documentation and ID information for him to bring to his interview?

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You can provide an I-134 too show how will be supported while visiting, Staying at your place.

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You can provide an I-134 too show how will be supported while visiting, Staying at your place.Is it necessary

Is it necessary if he can show sufficient proof that he has the funds to cover his trip?


No need to attach any financial docs to it, but the I-134 is a generic support form for supporting a non-immigrant.


The consulate can ask the non-immigrant for evidence as to how they are paying for trip and lodging, the I-134 shows that the non-immigrant once in the states probably will not engage in illegal employment in order to support them self while visiting.

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You can provide an I-134 too show how will be supported while visiting, Staying at your place.Is it necessary

Is it necessary if he can show sufficient proof that he has the funds to cover his trip?


There are no "sufficient" requirements for a visa - the visa officer makes that determination at the time of the interview. It's up to you to decide whether to include the additional evidence.

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Thanks for the help! I think I will just supply him with the I-134 as you suggest.


My girlfriend just received a B2 visa to travel back with me to the U.S. for a visit. We prepared a whole sleuth of info and documentation, almost as if we were preparing for an immigrant visa interview (as opposed to travel), but in the end, no pictures/evidence/etc. was asked for. Just a couple quick questions, and then the visa officer said hope you guys have a great trip. I couldn't believe it!


I guess it wouldn't hurt to prepare the I-134, but for travel visas, even more so than the immigrant petitions, it seems to be up to the mood of the visa officer, no real rhyme or reason to it.


Good luck!

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