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Fees for Unwed Mothers

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. . . an article in a proposed law in Wuhan. A bad idea all around. They don't need to provide any more incentives to have an abortion


from the Global Times

Fees for unmarried mothers an unfair idea


A new draft regulation on population and family planning management was released by the municipal government of Wuhan, in central China's Hubei Province on Friday. Article 26 of the draft states that people who satisfy one of the following conditions should be charged "social maintenance fees": those who are unmarried but have given birth to a child and cannot provide valid identification of the child's father, or those who have a baby with men who they know have spouses.

These fees were originally designed to be imposed on citizens who contravene the Population and Family Planning Law, in order to achieve coordinated development between the population and the economy, society, resources and the environment.




. . . and the People's Daily

Unmarried mothers would be fined by new law


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