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My friend is a perminent resident of U.S, her daughter is getting her B-1 visa for her job. Her house holder book with her father and stepmather as a family. When she filled out the DS-160 form she filled her step mother's name, because the visa interview required to bring the house holder book. My friend is very worried about if this would effect her to get immigrate application for her daughter. Please help to find it out. Thanks.

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Even her daughter's immigration is in a process?


The hukou book (assuming this is what you mean by "house holder book") DEFINES (for all legal purposes) the family relationships. What it shows is what should be filled in.


The hukou book DEFINES the relationship. If there's a problem there, it's the hukou book that would need to be changed (if that's even possible).


It doesn't sound like they have a problem.

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