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Now I Understand Why People want To Retire - POLICY


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All things American in this forum ehhh?


The older I get the more understanding I have over why some people want to retire. I NEVER EVER wanted to retire. What would I do, and WHY? But now I understand.


You see Chinese people, in America there are all these RULES. Some rules are unwritten, others are company POLICY, and some are the LAW. Then there are people. Greedy people who sue, or good people who sue the company because the management is greedy or negligent. Also government and company lawyers, and security people, namely IT folks, just keep adding more and more policy and rules to the picture so it is dificult to function in your job. Combine all this and it begins to get old.


How many times did I write emails and make phone calls to complain about our company email, that by law and policy we must use. At first it never worked in a hotel, especially the VPN. Now it is better, but I still have some VPN trouble. Then there is the mystery of email I send and I wait and see it shows up in the SENT folder. Later I ask someone about it and guess what? They don't have th eemail. Guess what? Nither do I. It is gone from the SENT folder. This has happened enough times now I know it is not my imagination.


Then sometimes it is in th eSENT folder and they don't have it. Other issues are the major customers going to the JUNK folder. Wow, how can this be? Previously I clicked to NEVER BLOCK SENDER. Well that doesn't do any good in a large Corp.


Man those short fingered IT guys sure get the bucks to sit there and make policy over if and maybe.


After 3 attempts to get a new project sent in to my company I use my private email. I get in trouble.


I am about to go back to paper on most things and see how my boss likes that. I really am.

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