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Anybody seen David on the board today?

tsap seui

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Another sink hole opened up in Florida last night and swallowed a man asleep in his bed.


The house looks intact from the outside, but the man and his whole bedroom are just gone. The folks lived in the house 40 years and never had any cracks or indications of anything wrong.


They said the hole is about 30 across and 50 or more feet deep. Pretty sad for the guy and his family. I can' t even imagine the horror of the guy's brother trying to reach in and pull his brother out....he had to be pulled out by a cop or he would have slid inoto the hole himself.


Florida....if it ain't a gator eatin your dawg, it a sinkhole eating you.

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If one has been to Florida... they are usually taken aback by all the lovely lakes...


yet, they are not all formed so innocently:


"In 1981 in Winter Park near Orlando, a sinkhole was measured as 320 feet wide and 90 feet deep, swallowing a two-story house, part of a Porsche dealership, and an Olympic-size swimming pool. The site is now an artificial lake in the city."

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My Dad, age 93 and counting, still lives down on the southwest coast of Florida in the little town where I grew up. A few years back they had sink holes open up just east of the city. None of the huge kind, but still was alarming. Tsap knew what he was talking about as far as gators go. When I was a kid a gator did eat my dog. I was eleven years old when it happened. The dog, Pete, was a Boxer and he wandered too close to one of the many canals in the area and that was that. They trapped the gator, a ten-footer. It had my dog's collar in its belly, along with some of our neighbor's chickens.

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