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Are the Good Times Gone?

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Good times gone?



For Xiao, the advantage of lower operating costs in Vietnam is long gone. When the company first came to the country to set up a factory in Di An Town, Binh Duong Province in 2009, it offered 1,200 yuan ($190.79) a month to local workers, compared with the average monthly salary in Vietnam of only around 600 yuan.

Over the past three years, Xiao's company has raised workers' salaries by 40 percent to the current average level of 2,000 yuan a month. And Xiao said the Vietnamese government has just ordered companies to raise workers' salaries by 20 percent this month.

Given the low work efficiency of Vietnamese workers, the advantage of cheaper labor in the country has lost its attraction, Xiao said.

The difficulty of finding skilled workers in Vietnam is also something that Xiao had never anticipated. Even when offering a higher salary than the country's average, Xiao could not get enough experienced workers and had to hire seven skilled workers from China to fill the labor shortage.

The dispute between China and Vietnam over sovereignty in the South China Sea has also added uncertainty to Xiao's business, and he sometimes has to "tip" Vietnamese officials in order to get a visa.
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I flew out of Di An for a short time. It's pronounced Zion. It's real close to Saigon.


So they can't find any skilled workers, huh? I guess the ones that survived got onto makeshift boats and left the country, or they got re-educated and can't think straight anymore. No love lost between Chiner and Uncle's boys.


Looks like our cheap stuff in Wal-Fart is going to go up in price unless they can find another country to fleece after all of Chinertucky gets too expensive. Looks like ol' Uncle Ho's new leaders ain't buying into gettin' fleeced. Good for them. Soon Americans will have jobs again....$115 for T-shirts, $5 per apple, you git the picture.


Luckily I've got enuogh Jimmy Buffet cast-off clothes ot last me a lifetime but I needs apples n' banners...if we continue to turn the Mehicans into citizens they ain't gonna pick no more fruit for low wages and the prices are gonna skyrocket. I live in fear. :rotfl:

tsap seui

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