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China Rocks

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Seems like a little bit of hype here, but here it is from the November issue.


China Rocks


Since 2006, rock festivals have sprouted throughout the country. Beijing, the capital of Chinese rock since the 1980s, became the default host city for various festivals


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Legendary Midi Festival was first launched in 2000 by the Midi School of Music, the birthplace of many of China’s underground rock bands. The first original music festival on Chinese mainland, Midi Festival 2000 lasted two days and was held in the school’s auditorium. . . . Since then, Midi, affectionately dubbed China’s Woodstock, has been consistently expanding in terms of size and scope.


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If these trends continue, the future will see even greater numbers of Chinese youth found relaxing in parks or fields enjoying the newest sounds in rock music. Music provides the rhythm for a culture, and this drum is sure to continue beating.


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I'm friends with most of the bands in the Beijing music scene, and have traveled around with many of them to most of the live houses across China. I consider myself extremely lucky to have found a group of people that have made this city halfway around the world a second home, haha, in addition of course to my lady as well.


There are countless bands I could recommend from any type of genre, but here is probably the biggest band in the underground now, and probably won't be that underground for much longer: Omnipotent Youth Society (万能青年旅店). Lots of really good songs you can listen to on their Douban page here, really really good:



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I remember my first trip to the PRC. It didn't even dawn on me that there would be even passable R 'n' R...was I surprised! The clubs all over the country had some fantastic bands. And their MTV really surprised me too. They've been making music for thousands of years and they have the tonal language so there's no reason why they shouldn't... Thinkin' 'bout it now, if I had half a brain then, my head would be tilted.

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Zhou Zhou, you ol' redneck hillbilly, is you shore you wasn't listenin' to Peking opera when you wuz over yonder in Chinertucky? :rotfl:


Tsap, Y'all is as dumb as a coal bucket if'n you think I dun know guitar riffs from squeeky singin'...Imma expert on Peking opera 'cause my Hu ma singz and dances it all the time 'round the house. Now ol Tsap I'm gonna forgive ya 'cause I know that y'all is blind in one ear and can’ t see out of the other one

and you're family tree has no branches...good talkin' atcha agin...Zhou Zhou Top

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