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22 years


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I post this every year to remind myself how lucky I am. It was 22 years ago today I woke up in the Gem county jail in Emmett Idaho with a throbbing headache a bloody shirt and a big cut on my forehead, wondering how I had made such a huge mess of my life. Something had to change. I was sick and tired of waking up sick and tired and a DUI made bad even worse. Monday morning I was arraigned in court and released on my OR. That night, I walked into an AA meeting hoping to get some sympathy for my plight. I didn't get much sympathy but I did notice that they had something I desperately wanted, sobriety and smiles on their faces. I kept coming back and putting one foot in front of the other I stayed sober one day at a time. I would like to tell you that I worked a good program and diligently followed the 12 steps. That would be a lie. I did however learn enough to put my demons at bay and stay sober. For that I will be eternally grateful to AA, Today I seldom ever think about it. I look back and wonder what I ever saw in the stuff in the first place.

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Carl, I look forward to your story each year. You've done great putting together so many years, unfortunately, not many folks can do that as the pull is strong to the point of overwhelming to keep on drinking or drugging. Very happy to see you post this again. Quite a string of one day at a times to be proud of.


tsap seui

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So happy to hear your story again, Carl. One day at a time, indeed and it just keeps on keeping on. 22 years and counting. Congrats on that string of days and I know from personal experience that it is no easy road. Alcoholism and other drug addictions are an insidious commodity, capable of sneaking up on a person and stealing their spirit and their life. As the Big Book says, it is "cunning, baffling, and powerful." I always took that to mean that it was clever, confusing, and a hell of a lot smarter than I was. Best wishes for at least another 22 years....

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Carl, it takes a lot of guts to air out your laundry so the public can view it. But basking in the glory is even better and winning to right to do so. I almost reminded me of when I quit smoking and decided to find a Chinese wife. It wasn’t easy (finding the right wife) but the rewards were even greater. Congratulations on another milestone and may you live a long life my friend. :cheering:

Edited by Urkidding (see edit history)
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