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Survey on US Cultural Differences


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My wife is starting her MBA at Thunderbird School of Global Management here in Arizona. She is taking a preparatory class where they are studying US cultural differences. She designed this short survey for that class. If you have a few minutes, I would appreciate your response. If there is enough interest, I would be happy to post the results.


This is designed for people born and living in the US.


Thanks, Hank



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My wife is starting her MBA at Thunderbird School of Global Management here in Arizona. She is taking a preparatory class where they are studying US cultural differences. She designed this short survey for that class. If you have a few minutes, I would appreciate your response. If there is enough interest, I would be happy to post the results.


This is designed for people born and living in the US.


Thanks, Hank




I liked the questions, and I would be interested in the results.

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We have gotten a pretty good response. I will post the results once we considered it closed which will be a day or two. I think this will be a good learning experience for my wife.


Thanks for the help.

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Q1:As a mature adult, the most important characteristic is individuality?


Yes - 19

Individuality *with the choice of responsibility*

Important but not necessarily the most,


No – 28

Individuality of whom?

Christian love and friendship is more important

Honesty, integrity

Individuality is important for diversity which benefits in decision making, communication, etc... It is also important to understand individuality within a team in order to utilize strengths of each member.


Edited by Beachey (see edit history)
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Q2:When you face difficult problems in your life, such as paying your rent or fixing your electrical machines, do you prefer to fix it yourself or ask help from others?



Myself - 41

•No man is an island. --- John Donne

•if i can do them myself I don't regard it as difficult.



Others – 8

•Not very handy

•Age has a lot to do with this decision.

•pay my own rent; electrical to the experts

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Q3:Human nature is basically good; therefore, even if someone who got serious crimes, they will amend their conduct completely by taking decent rehabilitation program?



Yes, I think so - 15


No, I don’t think so – 34


[i forgot to add a comment section to this question]

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Q4: You are a very punctual person; therefore, if you will be over 10 minutes late, you definitely call the person to let him/her know?



Yes - 42

•It drives me nuts when someone says 7pm, and they show up at 7:15. I had to wait however the person I was meeting did not wait with me



No – 7

•But I am ALWAYS a bit early or on time. Never late!

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Q5:Have you ever bullied anyone or been bullied by anyone?



Yes - 36

•Though I'm against bullying, I felt it help shape my childhood by strengthening my backbone to stand-up for my beliefs. It's not a perfect world and bullying exists in many forms within the workplace.

•as a child moved to different schools and bullied at each until i stood up for myself. Often beat up for being Jewish in a non-Jewish area.



No – 12

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Q6:Would you invite a person who you only met twice to your house for dinner?



Yes - 34


•Yes, if I were single and the person was of the opposite sex.

•depends...is it my brothers wife, or a hot date?




No – 13


•Trust is important, you need to understand if this is truely someone you will like to be around.

•I don't like to clean.

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Q7:Do U.S. parents teach their children how to use money even when they are only 5 or 6 years old?



Yes - 32

•I did and one child learned and the other ignored my advice

•I taught my daughter this trait at 5 and 6 years of age



No – 16

•Children that age are not capable of that level of reasoning. Nor, for that matter, are many adults.

•We try, but for the most part we don't even know how to use money properly

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Q8:Did you move out of your parents’ home after completing high school/secondary school?



Yes - 34


•I got kicked out when I was 18. Dispute over money/rent.

•went to college



No – 15

•I went to a local college and saved money by staying at home.

•Not until I was done with college.

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Q9:Do you think women and men have the equal rights and receive the same level of respect in U.S.?



Yes - 22

•In general yes. This is especially true when compared to other countries.

•I feel the situation is improving; however, there is a lot of work that needs to be done for this issue. I feel my company is taking the correct steps by providing paths and social networks for women.



•there is room for much improvement with equal rights

•100% no, but getting closer.

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