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We is gonna go visit the Ice Cream and Book Woman

tsap seui

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Tsap, sounds like all you need is some Pabst to make things complete - what with the redneck and white socks already in the house - all you need is the Blue Ribbon beer. And maybe buy her a five dvd set of Kojak episodes. Imagine what she would do if old Telly Savales popped that sucker outa his mouth, look at the screen and said, "Who loves ya baby?" My oh my..... :happydance: :pash:

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Oh my Gawd....DON'T tell her about Telly Savales...I'll have to grow me a huge pimple on my face and start eatin' a pacifier again. :rotfl:I already walk around the house nekked, when the boy ain't home, with an election....asking her..."Who loves ya baby....who loves ya baby?" She thinks "I" came up with that phrase. :victory:


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Spent brass tinklin' to the ground, men looking like blood bags when Sly Stallons round hit them, kicks to the bag by a lil' Chinese gal....cliches from old movies the players had been in, Jet Li kickin' the dodo out of bad guys....GREAT FUN.


Wasn't even ten other people in the theater when me and the dynamic duo took our seats in anticipation of some good ol' rockem sockem adventure. And we got our money's worth, I tells ya.


My Gawd, all the good guys and even John Claude Van Dam as the bad guy had bags under their eyes...big arms on em all, and big bags under their eyes. No big deal though, they could still see good enough to pull the trigger...and that's what we wanted to see, that and tough talk....YEAH DADDY Bring it on.


I was hollerin' my head at during the gun battle scenes "Kill the Bastards"...throwing popcorn at John Claude and laughing my butt off. Wenyan held my arm down when I tried to throw my whole LARGE box of buttered popcorn at the screen twice. The second time I tried that, she grabbed the big box of popcorn out of my hand and SHE threw it at the bad guys.


I felt like I was 10 years old again in Greensboro, NC and my daddy had just let me and my brother out at the Saturday afternoon matinee, where we got inside by giving them two coke bottles, so's we could see Hop along Cassidy and Gene Autry kissing their horses on hte mouth, singin' campfire songs and shootin' bad guys.


We had a ball. Fengqi, being the only adult among the three of us, finally had to get up and move away from his mom and I, though. He said we were acting like "rural country American roustabouts"...I said, "You mean, redneck hillbillys?" "Yes, that's it" said he.


Oh well, it wuz a ton of fun, we laughed and cheered on the good guys and their kickass Chinertuckian gal cohort and booed the bad guys.


Wenyan LOVED the movie, I did see her droolin' everytime that damn Bruce Willis showed his Dick Tracey profile on the screen....sigh. :rotfl: And Mick, she axed me to stop and get her a six pack of PBR on the way home. The girl is going wild I tells ya. She even rolls my smokes up in her shirt sleeve.


I can't imagine a more fittin' and better woman for me. I loves that lil' filly. Who wudda thunk it, I found me a dadgum redneck woman in that thar Chinertucky place. We is gonna go places I tells ya. YEEEEEHAWWWWW


Well, I came back home from droppin' off Prezident Zhang at school, had a "command performance" with dat dare Brer Rabbit, and now I must bid a fond adue, a kitchen renovation awaits me at Wenyan's apartments, and now that the lil' Chinese slum lord has gotten her breath back, she's orderin' me to "git offa that computer and git to WORK white boy."


I'll be back when she calls me and tells me I kin come home again. Lordy lordy....a man's work is never done when he's latched hisself onto a crazy redneck Chiner woman.


tsap seui

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Spent brass tinklin' to the ground, men looking like blood bags when Sly Stallons round hit them, kicks to the bag by a lil' Chinese gal....cliches from old movies the players had been in, Jet Li kickin' the dodo out of bad guys....GREAT FUN.


Wasn't even ten other people in the theater when me and the dynamic duo took our seats in anticipation of some good ol' rockem sockem adventure. And we got our money's worth, I tells ya.


My Gawd, all the good guys and even John Claude Van Dam as the bad guy had bags under their eyes...big arms on em all, and big bags under their eyes. No big deal though, they could still see good enough to pull the trigger...and that's what we wanted to see, that and tough talk....YEAH DADDY Bring it on.


I was hollerin' my head at during the gun battle scenes "Kill the Bastards"...throwing popcorn at John Claude and laughing my butt off. Wenyan held my arm down when I tried to throw my whole LARGE box of buttered popcorn at the screen twice. The second time I tried that, she grabbed the big box of popcorn out of my hand and SHE threw it at the bad guys.


I felt like I was 10 years old again in Greensboro, NC and my daddy had just let me and my brother out at the Saturday afternoon matinee, where we got inside by giving them two coke bottles, so's we could see Hop along Cassidy and Gene Autry kissing their horses on hte mouth, singin' campfire songs and shootin' bad guys.


We had a ball. Fengqi, being the only adult among the three of us, finally had to get up and move away from his mom and I, though. He said we were acting like "rural country American roustabouts"...I said, "You mean, redneck hillbillys?" "Yes, that's it" said he.


Oh well, it wuz a ton of fun, we laughed and cheered on the good guys and their kickass Chinertuckian gal cohort and booed the bad guys.


Wenyan LOVED the movie, I did see her droolin' everytime that damn Bruce Willis showed his Dick Tracey profile on the screen....sigh. :rotfl: And Mick, she axed me to stop and get her a six pack of PBR on the way home. The girl is going wild I tells ya. She even rolls my smokes up in her shirt sleeve.


I can't imagine a more fittin' and better woman for me. I loves that lil' filly. Who wudda thunk it, I found me a dadgum redneck woman in that thar Chinertucky place. We is gonna go places I tells ya. YEEEEEHAWWWWW


Well, I came back home from droppin' off Prezident Zhang at school, had a "command performance" with dat dare Brer Rabbit, and now I must bid a fond adue, a kitchen renovation awaits me at Wenyan's apartments, and now that the lil' Chinese slum lord has gotten her breath back, she's orderin' me to "git offa that computer and git to WORK white boy."


I'll be back when she calls me and tells me I kin come home again. Lordy lordy....a man's work is never done when he's latched hisself onto a crazy redneck Chiner woman.


tsap seui


Have you bought her a pair of over-alls yet? Got tons of pocket that she can put your weed in.

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I tried to get her into a pair of overhalls but we couldn't find any that didn't hide the shape of her lil' hiney. Sides, she looks pretty tough with a pack of Camels rolled up in one shirt sleve and a zippo rolled up in the other. :eyebrow:


tsap seui

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Thanks for the offer to post the photos Carl....mebbe one of these dayz I'll git around to sending them to you...LOL


The deep green color from the valleys to the mountain ridges has started to change slightly over the past 2 weeks.


No longer is the canopy solid deep green. Now there are shades of light green, light yellow, and even some hints of pink and red. We haven't had a frost yet, although we've had a few nights of low 40's. Lots of morning mists in the valleys and hanging over rivers and creeks. All year is such a wonderland of colorful sunrises and sets but now we're heading into the time that beautiful becomes spectacular and glorious, what with the very mist and light fog reflects the red and pinks of the sun.


Wenyan and Fengqi are loving as well as truly appreciating the views and displays of color mother nature is blessing us with here in the mountains. Often as I take Fengqi in to school in the mornings we are in mist, or can see the steamy mists from a river that parallels the valley road we drive in on. Just a few degrees higher and you can see the sunrise shining on the westward mountain range where it is out of the low condensation, and on the eastern ridge you can see the sun rays getting so bright at the spot where the sun will actually raise it's head above the ridge and start to burn off the mists and fog of the valley.


One or both of us comment on this marvel each day.Mother nature is so glorious here and these two former "city slickers" from the concrete canyons of a Chinertucky city have both learned to observe and bask in the glory of the gifts life in rural America hands out so routinely each and every day.


For the last week I have seen the blue birds of last winter starting to show themselves again. Both here in Bedford in our yard and neighbors yards as well as a few miles east in Everett where Wenyan's rental properties are. Today Wenyan called to tell me how loud they were as she saw many blue birds in our backyard....you can see many of them still playing and darting all about, as we sat on the front porch holding hands after I came home from working on one of the last remaining rentals of her's that needs renovating That work is definately a labor of love for me. I look at the rental complex as her and Fengqi's security should something happen to me.


I remember talking with Dan last winter about the blue birds he saw around his area in upstate New York. Dan, did your blue birds leave your area over the summer? Our blue birds left our area almost 100% when it got warm then hot. I was amazed that they were here all winter...they all looked pregnate with their thick feathers all puffed out to make insulation for their bodies...but then they just flew off after the winter.


Where the heck do they go in the spring? Do they head up in force to your way Dan? Are they, now, coming down to Pennsylvania from Canada and upstate NY?


We missed them in the spring and summer as they were so brilliantly blue and beautiful in the winter and during the few snowfalls we had they really stood out. Glad to see them back again.


Wenyan loves to watches the birds and said she is seeing many small birds flying in to rest and eat in our yard and neighborhood, then migrating south on south. Seems early, but maybe not really. Bedford has lots and lots of geese and ducks that live on and about the river that flows through the small borough. As well as some of these geese migrating south it is so cool and comforting to hear and see the geese talking to each other as they fly their trailing V formations. I showed Fengqi and Wenyan how the lead bird often gives up his posistion to another bird so he can rest in the draft of others as they all fly sightly higher than the bird in front of them...just like we flew in choppers, just a few feet higher then the chopper in front of you so you could fly in stable undisturbed air.


Like a broken record I go on and on about how great life is with these two here in our lil' 1/2 acre plot of ground with our small comfy home smack dab in the middle of paradise.


Fengqi has been back in school for his 3rd week . Things are really going well for him in the 11th grade. I had to laugh... his AP english class teacher asked last week to see his notes he was taking in her class.....she held them up for the others to see, saying she wished everyone in the class took such detailed notes....similarily, his chemistry teacher was explaining ot his class about the importance of knowing the vocabulary words for each chapter, during his explaination he singled out Fengqi as a student for whom english was a second languange. A second language he had to study many hours and with much effort to stay abreast of the vocabulary words in all of his classes. The chemistry teacher finished up with his motivation words by saying he wished his english as a first language students worked half as hard as his english as a second language student.


A little encouragement like that, or recognition of his studies by his teachers goes a long way with a shy kid like Fengqi. He only knows to put his nose to the grindstone and study as hard as he can. I am so proud of him. I love him as my own kid, and as I love his mom. It is a great feeling to see him grow and to feel the love, a love he never knew or saw in China that he..... feels for me.


This whole adventure, meeting Wenyan in Beijing then hanging on to each other when the American government threw years of interference into our bonafide relationship...I always felt I had something extra special with Wenyan, I just never realized how deeply happy, in love, and contented a man and his family could be together.


Shucks, I wake up and go to bed on cloud 9. My hope would be for everyone to experience this, and even more.


tsap seui


I also hope Mick is okay

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  • 2 weeks later...

And with a snap of his fingers, dat ol' Good Lawd has turned the countryside and mountain sides and their ridges into magnificient colored ka-lie-di-o-scopes ( I can't spell the word and ever since we moved into our home I haven't been able to find my dictionaries)....and so it goes.


It is so beautiful, the colors are so bright....pinks, reds, purples, orange, yellows greens...the tourists are getting their moneys worth.


Man, we went from all green landscapes to this quilt patchwork of vivid colors in 6 or 7 days. Just awesome. Mother nature at her most brilliant. Wenyan loves the 4 seasons and so do I. I can't imagine living in a place without the magic of spring and fall. So we get a lil' snow in the winters....hell, the few snowfalls we have are a thing of beauty too.


Upon meeting me, one of Wenyan's first questions was if where I lived had "four"? I understood her right off..."yes" my home has four seasons. She gave a sigh of relief as she was fearful that if we hit it off and decided to become a couple that I may be living in "hot" or "one season" and she dreaded that. No lil' girl, I certainly don't live in one season all year round, and would be bored to death if forced to live like that. Give me the magic and majesticy of the four seasons.


Each morning nowadays starts out with light ground fog, heavy where the rivers and creeks flow, with sunrises turning the mists red and orange, then as the fog starts burning off on the upper slopes of the mountains we see the vivid patchwork of colors working their way down the mountain slopes as the fog burns off progressively down into the valleys. Just spectacular, we are in awe of this gift.


Fengqi and I get this visual wonderland each morning as I take him to school, my child like enthusiasim for this ever changing glory has transfered to him, now he usually points out beautiful displays of color or mountain ridges peeking out of the mists to me, first.


I drop him off at school then head back home to Wenyan for some private time where screaming can be as loud as your partners expertise in his/her manipulation of your blood engorged stimulating parts warrants...LOL...and we play free of Fengqi's youthful ears. Then we head off into the boundless beauty of the scenery as we head off to work on Winnie's apartments.


It's crazy....no matter where you go here it's a beautiful drive. Need to give $4 a gallon for some gasoline, well partner, it's at least a beautiful drive to get there. Need to buy some cheap consumer goods from China at Walmart....that's a beautuful drive to. Want to drive down to the lower forty to use the outhouse for your morning constitutional...shucks, that's a beautiful drive too.


I guess you could color us'in blushingly happy.


The boss is watching me and I must go ....work awaits...LOL


tsap seui

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Sounds wonnerful upair good buddy! I love the autumn blast of color. Our leaves haven't begun to turn yet, but you can see that they are getting ready to. There is a large stand of hardwoods just behind our house, right across the field that has the donkeys and cows in it. And on the little country lane where we take our daily walks, there is another stand of trees, mostly Maple trees,

Sweet Gums, and more than a few huge old Oak trees. You can begin to see the leaves are slowly getting a little lighter in hue and the Sweet Gums are dropping those big balls everywhere. Our nights are cooler but daytime still hits upper 80s to lower 90s. It's comin' though, I can feel it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

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Wow, you guys start early, end late ~! (spring to summer) We are beginning to change, fer sure, and thats even with an Indian summer... We have transplant sweet gums here, (no where near native..) They change, but do so on their own due time, usually late. Haven't seen any with color yet, look forward to it, since they can have three or four colors --- on the same tree! One thing you can't do --- and I found this out in the early 1970's --- when I was living off campus in the woods of southern MD ... you can't split sweet gum for firewood ---too much sinew.

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Wow, you guys start early, end late ~! (spring to summer) We are beginning to change, fer sure, and thats even with an Indian summer... We have transplant sweet gums here, (no where near native..) They change, but do so on their own due time, usually late. Haven't seen any with color yet, look forward to it, since they can have three or four colors --- on the same tree! One thing you can't do --- and I found this out in the early 1970's --- when I was living off campus in the woods of southern MD ... you can't split sweet gum for firewood ---too much sinew.


The sweetgum needs to be felled in the winter. Water supply to the tree is diminshed then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah yes, how sweet it is....we'uns is rubbin' the sleep out of our eyeballs and gettin' ready to head over to hop on the big bus what takes us to New YAWK City....or sopme place in Jersey where we'll catch a ferry over to see this here Ice Cream Woman standin' on a pedestal with a nutty buddy proudly held high.


Man, they sez this here bus bus we gonna ride on has it's own OUTHOUSE!!!!! Imagine that!!! Boy, I'd hate to be ridin' on a Harley behind that thing when some big momma let loose with her mornin' constitutional.....nothin' like a face fulla caca at 75 MPH, I always sez.


Pretty cool stuff....the dynamic duo had two things they wanna see in New Yawk....the Ice Cream Woman, and..... the Brooklyn Bridge????? Good Lawd only knows what they done told them about the Brooklyn Bridge over yonder in Chinertucky......maybe Wenyan "won" it or "bought it" at some point. :rotfl: and wants to go see what she bought.


Looky out green ice cream woman, rednecks is headin' yore way on a big greyhound.....with it's own outhouse.....Lord God Billy Bawb, what will them ol' boys thank of next?


tsap seui

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Hope ya'lls has a great trip up air tuh see the green lady cuzin tsapper. That big ol bus yore ridin on sounds like a mighty fine machine indeed, whut havin its own outhouse an awll. Enjoy that Brooklyn Bridge too. Ifin Wenyan bought it awile back, that makes it all the more special fer thuh two of you.

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