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We is gonna go visit the Ice Cream and Book Woman

tsap seui

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Welp, we got to see Bob Dylan tonight. Pretty darn good and cool as hell to hear he and his band play All along the Watchtower, Highway 61 revisited, Tangled up in you, Like a Rollin' Stone, and a whole bunch of others.


I felt like I was in a Blues, rockabilly, rock n roll, gospel, country jazz show. Bob played a piano most of the time, and he played his harmonica an awful lot more than I thought he would. HIs band was hot, of course, had one guy who played pedal steel, viloin, banjo, and (I'm beat) can't think of the other instrument.


The show was awesome, Bob clowned around some on stage and it was an honor to see an icon like him before he stops touring. He's 71 years old now...LOL...still out on the road. Loved to hear his harmonica and he played the hell out of his piano.


I must have heard it 25 times (not from Wenyan...."I can't understand what he's singing"....well, I understood much more of his words than I thought I would.


Wenyan just isn't much into concerts I gotta say. She's colol with me going to see old rockers but it's just not her thing. She likes Pink Floyd, Journey, Al Green, and a few others so I'll look online for them playing around us somewhere. I'm just not going ot force feed this stuff to her. Heck, she doesn't know who Bob Dylan is and was and she never heard any of these rockers as she grew up, plus she can't understand english quick enough to understand any of the songs so like she says, everything sound same and is a mess"...LOL...God Bless her lil' pea pickin' heart.


At least I have the freedom to go see who I please, but heck, I've already seen so many players back in their prime, and after seeing Dylan and Leon Redbone from my bucket list, there just ain't too many more I've got a huge urge to see. Still got those 20 dvd's from Midnight Special to watch too,


Next, I reckon I'll try and find some nightclubs with live bands to go listen to and dance. We used to put on some music in our home in Chiner and dance, need ot find a good funk band playin' somewares.


tsap seui

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Tsap, as you might imagine, a live concert of Bob Dylan's should be a badge of honor for an old war protester, but I STILL haven't seen him all these years later! ~ I've had tickets TWICE in the past --- first time, I can't remember why I missed him --- second time, he and the Grateful Dead were at the U of O --- Huge event. So huge in fact, that the concert and interstate road work made it impossible to as normal --blast down I-5 --- we were stuck in traffic while the concert went on... As it turned out --- the LAST joint concert tour before Jerry Garcia's demise ...


Still looking to attend a 'live' Dylan concert before one of us croaks..

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Carl and Kim, if you get the chance to see him this year do yourself a favor and make the effort. Like I said above, it's like you've gone to see a great blues, rockabilly, country gospel band. HIs band is HOT and 71 year old Bob is too.


I honestly don't what I expected from a Dylan show, but he blew me away. Hell, he ended his oncore with Blowing in the Wind...a rock n' roll version that hopped....no folk song....LOL Not on his stage.


He's still got that hair we are all so familiar with and he works out more onstage than I would have imagined, really gets into his music.


I never got to see teh Dead, miss the experience like you said Carl.


Here's one guy I saw twice...which I could see him 2 more times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWsc-uZqxkc&feature=player_detailpage I was so amazed at how quick the master was, it was like his playing wasn't even real , and I was not 20 feet away from him, in heaven.




Then there's this guy I never saw....my owndamnfault...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWsc-uZqxkc&feature=player_detailpage


I don't know where I'm gonna go from here with shows....saw Levon Helm is in New Jersey in Oct., I'm just gonna keep putting in names on the web and keep a check on venues. This year I've got to finish renovating the last two apartments, start on one of them next week when the tenant moves out. Get those two renovated and the complex will be ready to sell off in the future, just need general upkeep. Our plan is for me to "retire" to writing and finish that VN book "Fallin' Out of the Sky"....good Lord knows it's been bubblin' around in my ol' head since it started out as a form of therapy for nigh on 13 years now. Got another one planned for the mail order bride/mail order groom hilarious terlet seat ridin' meeting, life under State Department lock and key for over 4 years, on into life in America with a crazy lovable lil' rabbit. Gonna put the State Department in Bongzo Chiner in its rightful place but in a funny way, F' em they were only a flea bite on the ass in our bona fide relationship, eh? They gave the VA time to come to grips with my agent orange heart and PTSD head and start those checks with the eagle on them from the Treasury Department heading our way.


For more shows, I thought this morning what I can do to make them more interesting for lil' miss SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) maybe next year we'll find shows around the country....mebbe in a city close to YOU, we'll fly in, get a car and a room and go lookahsee at the area, go to the show as a bonus. Momma gits her yaya's and so do daddy.


One revelation for Wenyan on going to concerts in America...."American people must drink many beer"...good God, she shoulda seen the kid in his youth, wine on the mind, beer in one hand, Columbian gold joint in the other...LOL Now I gotta go see what I can't remember....shrug. Everybody gotta do sumpin, huh? Maybe see Carl and Kim at the Dylan show in Portland.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Tsapper you made my day!!!


Stevie Ray is my all time favorite artist of any kind. Man, what a player he was. Just unbelievable. I saw him up in Nashville around 87 or so and once again down in Miami in 89, about a year before his helicopter flew into that hillside in Wisconsin. Most folks, including the song American Pie, say that Buddy Holly's death was "the day that music died." That's true I guess, but it had a second death when Stevie Ray left us. And that old beat up '59 Stratocaster he played says it all - he used to call it his first wife. I read somewhere that the guitar is in a musuem now, maybe the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but not sure. You could figure I loved Stevie Ray as he was so influenced by my other favorite axe man - Johnny Winter.

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I knew you'd get a kick out of Stevie. Lucked out to find a full show for ya. That Jimi show I posted is a lil' dry but it's not stuck with all that flasing light Sucka delic crap they used ot put in so many videos from those days...just raw Jimi and the boys.


How about that first Stevie song, did he not light that Strat on fire....LOL





tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Tsapper you made my day!!!


Stevie Ray is my all time favorite artist of any kind. Man, what a player he was. Just unbelievable. I saw him up in Nashville around 87 or so and once again down in Miami in 89, about a year before his helicopter flew into that hillside in Wisconsin. Most folks, including the song American Pie, say that Buddy Holly's death was "the day that music died." That's true I guess, but it had a second death when Stevie Ray left us. And that old beat up '59 Stratocaster he played says it all - he used to call it his first wife. I read somewhere that the guitar is in a musuem now, maybe the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but not sure. You could figure I loved Stevie Ray as he was so influenced by my other favorite axe man - Johnny Winter.


My buddy Cowboy Eddie Long was with Stevie that horrible night but he turned down the ride. He was to scared to try it. Worked out for him.

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He¥ Tsap, is Dylan coming to Portland? First heard of it.. " HIs band is HOT and 71 year old Bob is too."


See, that's the thing. We saw that with Frampton concert last summer --- the greats surround themselves with great YOUNG talent. And the young talent are honored to perform with the greats.... So of course, a great performance over all, and passing on, the creative base, for next generation ... (if they don't 'F' it up...)


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Kim, Bob's gonna play at the Rose Garden on Oct. 15th. And talk about talent, he's gonna have Mark Knopfler as a guest!!!!


I hope you get to see him play. He's touring relentlessly hitting both huge and small venues all over North America.


On a side note, Mark Knopfler and Chet Adkins made an album a few years ago. It would have been a treat to see those guys play in a small cozy venue. The album was a jewel in the rough, pretty cool to hear them talking to each other between some of the cuts. Again, talk about talent.....WHOOOOWEEE


tsap seui

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Come to think of it, they do don't they. Only Bobby Boy shouts his words more.


It was great the way he started out with bluesy type music and continued to switch gears into different types, at one point sounding like a gospel band then into rock, a lil' kuntrey, back into blues....really "groovy" as Captain America would say to Jack NIcholson around the campfire, splittin' a joint.


I got to see Dire Straits at the Merry Weather Post Pavillion from the 4th row in the pit back in the early 80's. Mark Knopfler was something else on his geetar. No SRV but an excellent player.


Back in the early 80's I used to buy 3 series of tickets each year with each series having 4 to 5 bands. Each year I kept asking for better seats when I sent in the loot and they kept putting me closer and closer, until I had 2 series down in the pit and the 3rd in the 4th row. Man, did I ever get spoiled about going to shows. Once you've seen Aerosmith, SRV, Little Feat, etc from 15 feet away it's terrible sitting back 25 or 30 rows....LOL...or much more. Down front you can see every facial expression, every drop of sweat, you get picks and drum sticks from the players and you hear what they are hearing on their monitors instead of the mumbo jumbo that gets run together the farther away you get, no matter the speaker systems. Merry Weather was an excellent place to catch shows, alas, those dayz are in the past, but man were they fun while they lasted....From 1972 with my first wife then after I got out of the rubber band touring in the midwest around 1978 and on up til 1989. Many summer evenings spent there, outside Baltimore, then in the wintertimes my different girlfriends and I would go down to the 9:30 Club or Constitution Hall in DC, or Desperatos in Georgetown, or over to Baltimore to the Lyric House or the Civic Center, or maybe to the Capitol Centre in Lanham, Md.


Or we'd eat a few qualudes and go clubbin' and hear local bands in Rockville, MD, or DC, or the outskirts of Baltimore. Good gugga muugga, those qualude dayz were something else, we all called ludes the sex drug.....more crazy wimmins, sometimes take 2 or 3 wild wimmins out clubbin', great live music, more crazy orgies in parkin' lots, in the van going home, and in the party house I lived in. Nobody cared, just lookin' for fun and to prove we were ALIVE....ride em cowgirlszzzzzzz Sometimes we'd be myself and two other gals and one of us would pick up another gal in a club to join the party.....Hot cha cha cha


Hard to talk about live bands without the wimmins that went with the whole scene, eh? :worthy: And I knows you ol' dawgs knows what I is tawkin' bout. :yay:


tsap seui


Luckily, these here lil' wimmins from the far off land of the tiny hiney is way more than those good natured gals from so long ago. :eyebrow: And ya don't need no drugs to gits em started neither. :hug:

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Ah Cuzzin' tsapper, I recall those days quite well. Walk into a club with a Quaalude taped to yer lapel and the wimmins would be linin' up to have a go at it.....I was always partial to uppers, though. They used to make this one mighty fine amphetamine concoction called Obedrin LA (the LA stood for Long Acting). I forget which pharmaceutical giant made it, but it was like Donald Fagen said in Kid Charlemagne, "Just by chance you crossed a diamond with a pearl." My oh my. the thing was two layers. The top was bi-phetamine t-20, the finest there was, and the bottom was Quaalude, to "take the edge off." We called 'em LA Turnarounds cause you could take one and drive to LA, turn around, and drive back. I saw many a fine southern rock band with one of those sizzlin' around my synapses. All in the name of good fun.

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Ah Cuzzin' tsapper, I recall those days quite well. Walk into a club with a Quaalude taped to yer lapel and the wimmins would be linin' up to have a go at it.....I was always partial to uppers, though. They used to make this one mighty fine amphetamine concoction called Obedrin LA (the LA stood for Long Acting). I forget which pharmaceutical giant made it, but it was like Donald Fagen said in Kid Charlemagne, "Just by chance you crossed a diamond with a pearl." My oh my. the thing was two layers. The top was bi-phetamine t-20, the finest there was, and the bottom was Quaalude, to "take the edge off." We called 'em LA Turnarounds cause you could take one and drive to LA, turn around, and drive back. I saw many a fine southern rock band with one of those sizzlin' around my synapses. All in the name of good fun.



hehehe...we wuz dawgs I tells ya Doc, horn dawgs to the max.


Sounds like quite the concotion Mick, the berst of both worlds. I jes couldn't handle speed, the going up for me couldn't justify the coming down....but downers???? It's funny, they were like speed to me. Just my body's reaction....I'd eat 2 or 3 ludes and be off to the races, but would see some people eat half a tab of a seven fourteen" and fall asleep. Oh, the love drug. Wimmins loved em, and I loved wimmins.....what a combination, eh Amigo?


All in the name of good fun, of course. Nowadays the VA shrinks calls it, self medicating to keep the buggerman at bay......oh well, lets just call it a multi-functional medication...LOL


Daddy-O, today it's gittin' up to 75 with a low in the lower 50's, same for tomorrow, Monday's high is 70 with a low of 47......purrrrrfect workin' n sleepin' weather. I'd shorely send some yore way if'n I onlyest could. So I wood.


tsap seui

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Ah Cuzzin' tsapper, I recall those days quite well. Walk into a club with a Quaalude taped to yer lapel and the wimmins would be linin' up to have a go at it.....I was always partial to uppers, though. They used to make this one mighty fine amphetamine concoction called Obedrin LA (the LA stood for Long Acting). I forget which pharmaceutical giant made it, but it was like Donald Fagen said in Kid Charlemagne, "Just by chance you crossed a diamond with a pearl." My oh my. the thing was two layers. The top was bi-phetamine t-20, the finest there was, and the bottom was Quaalude, to "take the edge off." We called 'em LA Turnarounds cause you could take one and drive to LA, turn around, and drive back. I saw many a fine southern rock band with one of those sizzlin' around my synapses. All in the name of good fun.


Did a few bi-phetamines 20 in my lifetime.. The real RJS's. Made me paranoid

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You guys is tougher than me, my system jes couldn't handle "up Town"...."down Town" suited my metabolic rate much better :gleam: ...mus be a flaw in my dadgum DNA.


Boy, them dayz of old have plenty of stories and some actual fond memories. I'm jes grateful they are stories about yesterday, and not today. Somehow, eatin' 12 to 15 ludes a day and chasin' everything that would hold still and drop er drawers....jes wouldn't fit in with this here non-drug induced happiness and contentment. Am I right or wrong, amigos? But those ol' dayz shore made for some wild and crazy fun.


Now, back to this old green woman standin' out in the middle of a bunch of water holdin' up a nutty buddy in one hand and a copy of Hustler in the other....I reckon, we'll soon be gittin' on the Greyhound and ridin' off in a cloud of blue smoke to walk around and gawk at her.


In the meantime, me n' SWMBO, and maybe even Dr. Zhang, if I kin pull him away from his schoolbooks and SAT word study long enough.....is goin' to go buy a bunch of buttered popcorn and some big RC colas and sit down in front of a big screen and watch this movie called Expendibles 2.


I'll have to endure Wenyan writhin' in orgasmic glee (not induced by me) as she takes in Bruce Willis. She loves bald headed "bad" men wearin' cool sunglasses...I mean the gal is head over 9 inch spiked heels stone in lust over them. We walk through a mall, and even though her arm is wrapped through mine she double takes ever bald head she can find. :rotfl: How fortunate for me, with my light reflectin' shiney chrome dome.


Funny story, when we met in the Beijing airport she saw me ramblin' down the runway and says she thought okay, I'll hold up my sign so he's knows who I am....then she spotted my long ponytail bouncing around my back....and....quickly thought....I'm going back to Fushun, I don't like long hair....at teh last second before I walked past her she quickly held up her sign and we met. Later, around the 3rd or 4th trip she talked me into cuttin' the dadgum thang off....snip snip.


Later, much later, after she finally was let out of the State Department prison and we had moved into our new house here in Bedford, she was watching a Bruce Willis movie and wouldn't even look up at me when I asked her a question.....alright says I....and off I skulked to the bathroom....took out a razor and shaved off that stupid ring around the pate some of us old bastards wind up with. I mean I skinned my head boys.


I walked back out and sat down on a sofa adjacent to her and started watching the movie, never attemptin' to get her to look at me. Well, half hour or 45 minutes later she unglues her eyes from Brucey Boy and you shoulda seen the look on her face when she gotta load of me....she grabbed my hand, and since Fengqi wuz in hte house, she pulled me into the bathroom for a lil' quickie bath of sorts :bathfun: :eyebrow:


Shucks Chuck, that wuz the bestest move I could have made. This lil' tiny hiney is stone cash SERIOUS about being turned on by a bad man whose bald head feels like a baby's butt. And, I wear cool sunglasses, even in the house, now. Ain't no gal'dang Hollywould movie star gonna steal my thunder at makin' my wife soil her bikini briefs....I shout into this here manicured wilderness.


I likes ya Mr. Bruce Willis, but you kin kiss my grits, hombre!!!!!! :yay:


Anyhow, this movie is exactly the kinda movie my my crazy Chinertuckian woman LOVES....she likes shoot em up movies with the brass loudly tinklin' onto the sidewalk, bad bald men makin' funny jokes as they drop bodies as far as they can see, and lots of explosions....LOTS of explosions and fast action.


Well suh, with Bruce, Slyvestor, Chuck Norris, Jet Li, and a host of other bad boys I wish I could remember their names, my redneck blue collar and white socks wife is gonna be in heaven. I'm not even gonna bother with the ol' clown in the popcorn box trick, not with Bruce galdern Willis on the big screen. :worthy:




tsap seui

Yessir, I found me a honest to goodness redneck woman over yonder in Chinertucky, none of them full of meaning hoitsey toitsey movies for this here gal. :lol:

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