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Those Crazy Designer Handbags, Saw this in the paper.


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Happening in my back yard...


Interesting story, and can understand the temptation to do this, there is a Coach store in the local mall and I cannot see or understand paying $200 - $300 or more for a purse, or $100+ for a wallet. Unreasonable pricing like that just invites counterfeiting.


Another side of the story is these high price luxury goods companies essentially have the government working for them snatching small time operators on the taxpayers dime.


The luxury good companies claiming that they are loosing large amounts of $$ over this. You mean crazy profit on overpriced goods?


For more than a month in the summer of 2010 the town of Greece couple were under police surveillance during their regular treks to New York City.


Most of the time when Fan Zhang and her husband, Deno Delregno, entered the high-rise in Midtown Manhattan — a building housing businesses ranging from a fur store to financial planning — the police were watching. Their telephone was also tapped, their conversations overheard by investigators from the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the State Police.




Some critics question whether the investigation reveals that federal authorities are too wedded to large corporations, including those churning out costly designer goods. New York City trademark lawyer John Bostany, who defended a man originally charged in the case, said he represents small companies that never get the same attention when their trademarks are violated.


“I was disappointed at the amount of government resources into (the investigation),” Bostany said. “This was a concern I had since the inception of the case. It was unusual that our government would be investing tax dollars taking up for what are probably billion-dollar companies.”


Whether warranted or not, the investigation clearly involved an ample use of resources, from the intense surveillance to the wiretapped conversations.




Still, lawyer Bostany said, there is a fairness question when federal authorities seem intent on protecting the Dolce & Gabannas and Versaces of the world but not as inclined to assist small businesses that also may see their trademarks violated.


“For some reason, these blockbuster brands avoid having to retain counsel and they have the United States government working for them,” he said. “That’s what’s very troubling to me as a trademark lawyer.”




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Several years ago I e-mailed a cousin and described a handbag my girlfriend had bragged about. My cousin is a handbag hound and wrote back that it was a, Fendi and worth >$3,000. Not believing that anyone would spend that much money on a bag while people go hungry and kids die from amoebas, I decided to check the internet for the facts. I found the handbag on a website and the MSRP was $3,500...my g/f told me she bought it in Taiwan for $45...my cousin begged me to bring her a half dozen.

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Something that just occurred to me is anyone going to believe you have a real one? Especially if you are an Asian woman. My wife has a couple of authentic Coach bags she bought here in the states at the Coach store. Like Dan I don't get why anyone would spend that kind of money on one but my wife works hard for her money and seldom indulges herself on things like that so I really can't complain.

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Let's just say I *heard* of someone who sells original designer such-stuff in china... they know what is original or not; they only want to sell original since they know people are waiting and drooling at the door for a chance for one. Some order in advance, stating what they want.


Here is one snag: China has a hefty import tax or whatever on some designer stuff and it is wicked expensive in china. One can mail them to china and still get them sold at a very good profit... so I *heard*.


Why do they buy them? Various reasons...

1. Fashion; 'Look at me'

2. Status; it's about the Jones'

3. Reverse-frugality; Buy something of very good quality once and keep it for years.


The bottom line: There appears to be no end to the demand... whether purses, clothes, make-up...

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