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I need some suggestions

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Hi Everyone,


Some of you have followed our journey getting my wife over here. Took a long time but she has her GC and is visiting Chengdu now and will be back in about a month. Here's my question, and I've asked about such things in the past.


We filed the I-130 for her daughter. Based on an atorney's suggestion and us believing he knew what was what, her K-2 was used when it shouldn't have been, and so we had to go the 130 route. Anyway, I heard today that if we wanted to bring her daughter here under a student visa, that with the 130 in the process (hasn't been approved as of yet) that getting her over here on a student visa would be tough. Question. Can we cancel the 130 and just go for the student visa? Right now it's showing over 8 years wait for her to get a visa to come to the USA. We filed when she was 20, but she has since turned 21. Not married and living in England now going to school. But we would like for her to come over here now to finish school. What should we do? I'm gun shy thinking of using another lawyer.


Thanks for any help you can give us. We truly appreciate it.


Marc and Rosie

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In the case of a student visa, you would not be involved other than perhaps providing an affidavit of support.


She would apply to several US Colleges, and upon acceptance, she would apply for a student visa at the US Consulate or Embassy.


Since she is in the UK here is link to London Embassy Student Visa info page. http://london.usembassy.gov/students.html


I would not cancel the in process I-130 it should not impact getting a student visa.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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