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Name Dilemma P3 on

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Below, we have a little name dilemma and are not sure what to do. (Below is a fake name, but proves the example)


When petitioning for the K1 visa (129F paperwork), we (beneficiary and I) put the beneficiary's name as Sue(First) Ann (Middle) and Li (Last name) on the petition as this is technically her name. Several days later in the evening, however, we realized that on her Chinese Passport it has her name as Annsue (First) Li (Last) with no middle name.


I, the petitioner, the following morning contacted USCIS and asked them if it could be adjusted to reflect the name as Annsue Li instead of Sue Ann Li to avoid possible confusion. I explained it to them and they said that no change is necessary and that it should be fine as is. However, the one reviewing the final part is the GZ embassy and they may think differently than USCIS.


Now, by called DOS, I've been told that the embassy already sent to my fiancee the P3 (though we have yet to receive it). We are not expecting to receive it so quickly, however, from NVC sending the petition to the embassy and then the embassy sending the P3 out only took 9 days (so, it may arrive quickly). As some of you know, we are at the stage of doing the P3 shortcut and would love to take advantage of this, however, we don't want to get burned for messing up. Hmmm, what to do.


How to fill out the forms with her name on the P3?


1) Like the I-129F petition, P1,P2,NVC letter -> Sue(First) Ann(Middle) Li(Last) thus having it different than her Chinese passport




2) Like her Chinese passport -> Annsue (First) Li (Last) -> no middle name thus matching the passport, but different order than 129F, P1, P2, NVC letter.


We would love your guys feedback on this, especially, those who have had a similar experience.



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If she wishes to go by Sue Ann in the U.S., why not leave it alone? You would be more likely to get burned trying to change it back, but it's doubtful that you would have a problem either way.


If she has a place to list "Other names used", list it there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had an almost identical situation. I emailed the Guangzhou consulate and they said they would fix it when my fiance returned his P3 with the photocopy of his passport, and apparently all is well now (document intake was today, and no one mentioned it). My assumption is that the name we put on the forms should match the passport exactly.

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My wife goes by Rosemary, however that is her nickname, all her legal documents have her Chinese name, to avoid confusion her legal name was on visa petition and everything since.


Petition and applications should have name that is on passport.


If wishing to legally change first "Given" name this should be done later in the states.


One member Lee VD's wife did a full name change after getting married in the states, they then had an issue getting a name change addendum in her Chinese passport...




I am of the opinion of KISS... Keep It Simple and Stupid.

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