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Visting Visa for Spouse to US??

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OK my grandfather and grandmother raised me, two months ago he had a big medical problem- and is in really bad shape these days. He can no longer walk and has problems remember people...he's 94. The thing is my husband has never met any of my family in the 6 years we've been married, and my daughter has only gone to visit once for a week when she was one (she's 4 now) but she's an American citizen. We have no plans on returning to the US until our daughter is in middle school but I would really like my family to meet my husband.


Can he get a visiting visa without having to apply for immigration status?


When I was pregnant and having problems with my first pregnancy we were told that he would not be allowed to go with me if I returned to the US for medical treatment, so I didn't go but ended up losing the baby at 37weeks. They also said that spouses were not allowed to go on visiting visas but will they allow for him to go through now? I've been in China since 2003 and have no intentions of going back any time soon.

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You can always try applying for a B2 visa at the consulate, need to show solid evidence that you have no intent to immigrate at this time.

  • Show having residence in China
  • Show have no domicile in the USA
  • Show having jobs in China that you are not giving up.
  • Show money in Chinese bank that may be frozen while out of China, may have to check with bank and ask if and how that could be done.

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