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DS-230 Part II

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Could you please advise when is the DS-230 Part II form submitted? In our P3, my fianc¨¦e was sent the DS-230 Part I to return to the US Guangzhou Consulate but have not seen DS-230 Part II. Will this be given to her at the US Guangzhou Consulate to fill out?


I located this DS-230 Part II form online but it was never indicated in any of her directions.


Just to clarify, we are in the K-1 process and will interview on 1/9 - 1/10.


Thank you,

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K-1 does not use DS-230 part 2, this is why the consulate does not send it as part of the packet.


K-1 later uses DS-156K in it's place. http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/forms_and_packets.htm ( This is part of packet 4 and is brought to the interview. )

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