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I was born mid-century.


And if you ask: "which century?" the logical response would be to unload on you --- "which century could it be, moron?? --- mid-century is still 39 years away.." remember that number.


But I am also a 1975 graduate of St. Mary's College of Maryland---never a religious school---its named after its location, in historic St. Mary's City ---the first capitol of Maryland, dating to the 1600's. At a reception wen I first arrived, (1973) I met a very old graduate from the class of '08' still a spry old woman, with a boney but firm handshake. As a young man, it didn't rally register that I would live to meet a whole new crop of 'aughts' but sure enough, I have, and the one in particular from the most recent '08' is far more attractive than the last, separated by 100 years.


This woman of privilege Huguette Clark has been in the news several times since her death in May at age 104---"a last breath of New York's Gilded Age" The real issue is her money, but the living history is fascinating--- (since I'm clearly not in line for any of the money) Her father William A. Clark, was one of those guys that built America, no BS hedge funds, went out and did it--- in copper mining, and founding Las Vegas---on his way to becoming a US Senator. At age 67 he impregnated a 28 yo Michigan woman, who gave birth to Huguette.


But heres the thing: (and remember those 39 years?) ----- according to the published accounts, that makes her Father born in 1839! TWENTY TWO YEARS BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE US CIVIL WAR ! How many of us can say THAT about our father???

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Good article Randy,


And in St. Mary's County, Maryland, very much in sympathy with the Confederacy (destination of John Wilkes Booth's hide out) the Civil War was very much on the minds of residents while I was there in the 1970's -- south of the college at Point Lookout (where the Potomac enters the Chesapeake Bay) was a prisoner of war camp housing Confederates ---many died on site.

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