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Packet 3/4 questions

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Hi, we¡¯re going through the K1 process. My fianc¨¦e got packet 3 a couple weeks ago. I¡¯d like to make sure we don¡¯t mess anything up, so I apologize in advance for sounding so anal retentive.


1) She¡¯s originally from a small town in Anhui (Lai'an) but currently lives in Shanghai. As a result, her uncle in Anhui is trying to get her birth certificate, unmarried certificate, and police certificate all notarized for her. Does anyone know if she needs to be present for this?

2) Is there any sure-fire way of knowing that the notary office her uncle might take the documents to will be recognized by GUZ?

3) From everything I¡¯ve read on VJ and CFL, the 3 documents mentioned above make up the ¡°white book.¡± It sounds like people recommend getting 3 copies of these for future documentation, in both English and Chinese. Is there anything else we¡¯re missing? Do we also need a full copy/translation of the hukuo (I don¡¯t actually know what that is, but sounds like it¡¯s their official family documentation if I¡¯m understanding it correctly).

4) About the unmarried certificate: at one point, it seems that there was a form letter for this. I know the FAQ has a little sample. Is this something we should write in English ahead of time and have the notary public notarize it? Or should it be in Chinese and then translated/notarized? Or am I completely missing something here? Perhaps there is a form that the notary office has for this once they look at the hukuo?

5) On the OF-169, do you mark every checkbox even though it doesn¡¯t apply to you, for completeness¡¯ sake so it looks like you went through everything? I know, I know. This is reeeaaalllly anal.

6) Does she really need to make a resume? She doesn¡¯t have a very extensive work history, and her job as a secretary really doesn¡¯t require a large skill set or education. OF-169 says this is required for certain cases, but if they¡¯re going to ding us on this, we¡¯ll go ahead and create one anyway.


And for Packet 4:

7) Since she lives in Shanghai, I think it¡¯d be best for her to do her medical at the Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center so she can have that all taken care of before heading to Guangzhou. She has limited vacation days, so any time we can save on her trip to Guangzhou, the better. Any thoughts on this? It¡¯s more expensive, but I think the peace of mind is worth it.

8) Vaccinations aren¡¯t required for K1, IIRC. Would you recommend doing this anyway? I¡¯m not even sure if the Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center offers it. Have others just done this after the visa was in hand? I¡¯m hearing that it¡¯s cheaper to do in China than the states.

9) Our updated letters of intent to marry and the Evolution of Relationship letter are dated from July (we wrote them when I was last visiting her in China last month). This is also true for when I signed the I-134 and the date listed on my proof of employment letter. Are these too old? Do the interviewers actually look for a certain date range?


Thanks for any help. Sorry for the rambling. I'll try to keep future posts shorter.

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1) Not sure if a third party can acquire these docs, can always give it a try.


2) They are official docs and will be accepted by the consulate, no matter which notary office produces them.


3) These docs and translations come from a notary office, they will be bound in white books, only the birth cert+translation should need an extra for later in life in the states.


4) Certificate of no marriage is a standard document produced by the notary office, you do not have to write anything.


5) No need to check boxes that do not apply, for example military certs, death certs, divorce certs, etc... Even if served in the military, like my wife did, no need to get military certs, they are unavailable.


6) Do a resume, lately we have been seeing people being asked for them, holding up visas.


7) This is fine, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND doing a FULL medical + Vaccinations record, as if preparing for a Spouse visa, and get a DS-3025 vaccinations record compleated by the medical center, this will save you BIG-Time hasel in the states when preparing to adjust status. SEE GOOD/BAD/UGLY topic pinned in the AOS/Immigrations forum.. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?/topic/41344-us-civil-surgeons-and-the-i-693/



http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?/topic/41344-us-civil-surgeons-and-the-i-693/page__view__findpost__p__576997 (Bobby A's fiancee got the DS-3025 done in China, saved pain in the states)


Age appropriate vaccinations WILL be required,


Age 18 - 64 are required to have:

  • MMR
  • Td
  • Variccella
  • The FLU if in season

Younger will have slightly different requirements, see chart link below.


More: http://www.cdc.gov/i...tions.html#tbl1


8) They ARE required to adjust status in the states, DO Them in China, this will save you $$ and BIG headaches later in the states See 7 above...


9) Should be dated fairly close to interview, at least 1.5 month prior to interview.

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