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Well, I finally got something of value

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Today I was surprised to find my mailbox stuffed, an in it was a large envelope from Congressman Clay who I had contacted earlier about Irina's visa.


In the envelope, I found a letter personally addressed with the one word "Greetings", and signed with "I wish you and your family many blessings in the new year". Of course, he also discussed how he values MY sharing MY views with him????? :blink:


There was also a wonderful US Historical Society calendar with some very beautiful pictures of Washington DC and the Capital.


Every Day of the year is marked with the major political events that happened 200 years ago in 1804.


And, January 6, 1804 (200 years before the anniversary of my NOA1) marks a very important early immigration law


"January 6, 1804: House of Representatives resolved that a tax of ten dollars be imposed upon every slave imported into the U.S."

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Congrats, Clifford. You made it onto your congressman's mailing list! :blink:


It's nice that you got a calendar. I get one from my broker, but not my congresswoman (though I am still very happy with her for helping me with the pit earlier). Our tax dollars at work...


Now let's see if you get a call for contributions as we get closer to November... :blink:



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:) That's outrageous, I'm shocked actually. After going to such great lengths to explain to him and the rest of them your unusual and agonizing situation involving the extraordinate amount of TIME your case is taking, about how you've been forced to put your life on hold for much longer than you ever expected, longer than even they told you to expect ... and what does he do in return? He sends you a calendar. Presumably to count the months as they slowly pass by. Of all the things he could have given you, that's about the most cruel thing on the list. What an a-hole!
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What is the calendar supposed to do, help you count the agonizing days of waiting?



Actually, I had never thought of how fitting of a gift a calendar would be.... :D You guys think of everything. :lol:


But, you know what, it can help me organize the wait (and watch the months tick by). You think I should write back and ask for a 2003 calendar too (and definately request to be taken off of the list before 2005).


What actually struck me the most was sending a form letter without my name on it saying:




As the first session of the 108th Congress comes to a close, I want to extend my sincere appreciation for your correspondence this past year.


Thank you for contacting me and sharing your views on the vital issues considered by Congress in 2003.  It is extremely important to the legislative process that citizens take an active interest in the creation of public policy.  I want to assure you that I value your communications and I am committed to giving full consideration to your views as I work to represent the intersts of Missouri's First Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.


I have enclosed a 2004 Congressional Calendar and hope that you will continue to keep me informed of your interests and opinions throughout the coming year.


Ok, so even if they had done some kind of a mail-merge and put my name on it (an perhaps a topic line), it would still have been a form letter. But, if he doesn't think I am important to put either my name or topic on the letter, I certainly don't have much faith in anything else he said.


However, what struck me the most about the letter was the signature:

I wish you and your family many blessings in the new year.


I am not sure why that dug directly to the heart like a dagger. Perhaps it is because it is the one wish that I want more than anything in the world.


Perhaps it is because it doesn't even acknowledge the pain from seperating families throughout the holiday seasons.


It is like sending a soldier off to Iraq, then writing "I wish you and your family a merry Christmas"


I think I will write back to him thanking him for the calendar, the personalized note, and the holiday wishes to my family (and, of course, request my 2003 calendar).

:unsure: :blink: :huh:

----- Clifford -----

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Guys (and Gals),

I have written a letter to send back to Congressman Clay. What do you think? Should I drop it in the mail?


I am still trying to think of the correct salutation to use. He goes by "Lacey Clay", so I thought "MS Congressman" would be appropriate, but I am open to advice.


Is this laying it on a little to heavy?


Of course, I could be burning a bridge, but this one seems to be a bit rickety anyway.





Dear MS Congressman,


Thank you very much for the calendar and the personalized letter accompanying it.


The sincerity of your concern oozes from the very personalized salutation "Greetings!".  It makes me certain that you have my interests at heart and are very concerned about the issues that I have raised with respect to the unwieldy immigration process for fiancées and spouses that so many Americans are being forced to endure.  The delay often lasts to over a year of pure folly making a mockery of the USA.


Your heartfelt concern was noted with your sending my family your blessings for the new year, even though we are being kept a half a world apart by the US Government.


I will use the calendar you sent to remind me of every day that I continue to wait for my fiancée to get her visa and be able to come to the USA.


I am starting by marking January 6, 2004, the 1 year anniversary of sending the Visa application in to the Nebraska Service Center.


I have also marked January 29, 2004 which will mark 5 months since the approval of the application at the National Visa Center and forwarding it to Moscow where it has been sitting ever since.


I am just marking February 14th with a simple heart.


Luckily this is a Leap Year.  February 29 will mark a half a year since the application was sent to Moscow.  I wonder if there will be any progress by then.  Perhaps they will schedule an interview sometime after that.


I hope you and your family spent a wonderful Christmas and New Years together, even though I was unable to share the holidays with my loved one.



Clifford Keele



If you have any extra 2003 calendars laying around, one would come in very handy.  But, please take my name off the list by 2005.

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I love it Clifford!!!! It just oozes with sarcasm

I think he should play this up good, what that guy/gal did was very insensitive and cold hearted those things being very politically incorrect, I think he should play the hurt and insulted roll, They don't mind having an angry constituent out there because people wont feel for an angry person but somebody that was wronged and insulted then people listen better which costs votes.

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I have been thinking about contacting my favorite Morning Radio Show.


Right now, they are doing a Valentine's Day Wedding Contest which can be difficult to listen to. It would be the second such contest since sending in our visa application.


I was thinking about whether they would record a conversation with the Moscow Embassy / phone service, and play it on the air.


But, perhaps this thing about the Congressman would be just as good. If one could truely wake up a congressman to our plight (without pissing him off too much), then maybe we could make some progress.


----- Clifford -----

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Sorry Cliff, I've been out of it for the last week and not really able to devote any time to read posts here, but now that I have, I've got my wheels spinning.


I think the most effective way to hit a politician is through his campaign coffer. Appeal to his virtuous nature through his wallet. Remember, in politics, it's not what can he do for you, but what will he gain from helping you. If you can bring enough money or constituents or influence to the table then he'll sit up and take notice. Otherwise, sad to say, your letter will most likely be opened by a screener and you'll recieve another token form letter and calender.


It would be good for the rest of us to send our opinion of the good congressman's dedication to this issue. We need to convince him that here are enough of us out here that it is a major issue. We need to convince him that you would make a great poster boy for his campaign. Give a politician anissue to run on, the words to speak on your behalf, make it appealling to his constituents and he'll begin to bend over backwards. The trick is bringing enough fuel to the fire.


I think we all need to e-mail, mail, or call this Lacey Clay and make him think that we'll all vote for him next election day if only he can help Cliff out.


What a dickhead, but like all penile politicians they'll come through if you stroke them right.

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