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My DCF story.... still unfinished

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Since I'm in the same boat, I thought I'd share my story as well. My wife joined the CCP as well. Her membership is with the university she works at and after requesting to quit, she was told she couldn't. The first time she tried, they told her it was a bad idea because so many people in China want to join and because it's an honor to be a part of the CCP. The next time they were reluctant as well, telling her that if she quits, she will have a difficult time trying to find a job in the future, and that she would be ruining her life if she quit. Finally, the third time the truth came out - the school doesn't want to lose face because no one as ever quit the CCP from their establishment in the past. They said that if someone called the school to determine if she was still an active member, they would say no on her behalf. Whether or not that's true is beyond me. They said they would LET her quit once she quit her job, after which point her CCP paperwork would be "lost". My wife has stopped paying the dues, but she's still forced to correct documents in the office that come in regarding CCP events or meetings within the school. This is associated with her job. Anyway, for the past month or so, we've been wondering whether or not to check "yes" or "no" next to the box that would accuse my wife of being a spy, terrorist, conspirator, killer, or a CCP member. That hardly seems fair or appropriate. The truth is, she did quit, but the school refuses to acknowledge it.


In case anyone is wondering, we've decided to check "no" and write a letter of explanation stating basically what I've written above in more detail. I too will post our results for future inquirers. I sympathize with you all.


No need to quit the party, it is understood in any case that some jobs require this, many have dealt with this, some never quit. Simply be honest and indicate this, it will simply result is some additional processing after interview, and result in a visa granted anyway.


Never try to misrepresent this fact, worse can happen, like a lifetime bar for misrepresentation.


If are or were affiliated with the communist party, then 40 (c ) should be checked yes, and they will give a questionnaire as to details need to deal with it.


My wife was a sergeant in the Chinese Army, we did indicate this when asked.

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