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What should I do?

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MY opinion only:


DON'T DON'T DON'T let the son's petition go on !!!!!!


What if GUZ approves it and not the mom's??????


The son should go to the US without the mom???


They are a package deal on some level, for immigration... don't play any GUZ games.


The wife obviously has some problem... In the long past, we would say that "maybe" there is 'TPC' (third party correspondence). This is always possible... but keep the mother and child together !



David, I appreciate your opinion and trust me, those two cases HAVE to be together. Whatever it takes or how long it takes they will HAVE to interview together. In this particular situation there will be no game playing with GUZ.


In all honesy I don't feel that my wife has a problem other than her case got overlooked somehow and put on the bottom of a stack or something. She has been approved by USCIS back in 2006 and again in 2009 by them. I have no fears that she or I have anything in our records that would make us be denied at the USCIS. I have no criminal record and neither does she....now could one of our names be close to someone who has been in trouble? Maybe.


Ago we were always afraid of a potential 3rd party interference but no more. I think right now and with the USCIS it's just a paperwork blunder and lackadasical work ethic, nothing more.


tsap seui


Re-reading, I probably should not of said "problem"... I meant to imply some sort of holdup is occurring. But when one sees long delays it can be the 'paper weight' blunder or oversight. Let's hope it just gets jarred and moves on. If they have some issue, it has to come out eventually but all you can do is be the squeaky wheel wanting some oil.


And I didn't mean you playing games; I meant that GUZ will do stuff which makes no sense. like say if you let the son's go forward, then what if they really approved it and then the mom's doesn't move and then the six months of the visa expiration is approaching, etc... GUZ has not problem with issuing that visa and then seeing you lose it because they didn't get the mom's processed. I meant; don't give GUZ any games or any reason to play one on you.


Keep it simple: Keep them together. That's my point.



I understood you David, and I agree, give GUZ not one inch of rope to play with, I have no trust of them and lots of respect on how they manage to burn some people. Nothing is as it seems in GUZ land.


tsap squeeki

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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