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Immunizations - will she really need all these?

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My fiancee is looking into getting her vaccinations and though she has had vaccines before (as a baby and in primary school, etc) she doesn't have any records of them and can't remember which they were. Having no record, does that mean she will have to have all these listed on the Consulate's website? ...


Panel physicians who conduct medical examinations on behalf of immigrant visa applicants are required to verify that immigrant visa applicants have met the new vaccination requirement, or that it is medically inappropriate for the visa applicant to receive one or more of the listed vaccinations:

DT/DTP/DTaP, Td, Polio (OPV/IPV), Measles (or MR or MMR), Mumps (or MMR),

Rubella (or MR or MMR), Rotavirus, Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B ), Hepatitis A,

Hepatitis B, Meningococcal, Human Papillomavirus, Varicella, Pneumococcal, Influenza.


Applicants for immigrant visas at the U.S. Consulate Guangzhou must obtain an international vaccination record from one of the PRC Quarantine Bureau offices listed below. If you have already received some or all of the required vaccinations, you should bring your previous vaccination records to the Quarantine Bureau for verification and transfer to your international vaccination record. Physicians at the Quarantine Bureau offices can determine which of the listed vaccinations are medically appropriate for you, given your age, medical history, and current medical condition. Only vaccinations verified or administered at the authorized Quarantine Bureau offices will be accepted by the Consulate.


In the last paragraph it says physicians can determine which are "appropriate for you" ... Has anyone been in this situation of having no vaccine record and the physician signing off on some of them anyway? My fiancee doesn't know which she has received and I'm not sure which she would have needed or would have received at school when young either. I'm sure her situation is not unique at all (I have no idea where my own vaccine records are) so if anyone can share how this went for them that would be great. I know as a K-1 applicant she's not required to get them before going to the States; but am I right in believing that getting the vaccines before going to the States will be simpler? She may get them done even before going to Guangzhou for the interview (should be in Feb-March) and then simply have them transferred to the yellow international medical record - that would give us one less thing to worry about in Guangzhou. Any reason not to do it that way?

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My fiancee is looking into getting her vaccinations and though she has had vaccines before (as a baby and in primary school, etc) she doesn't have any records of them and can't remember which they were. Having no record, does that mean she will have to have all these listed on the Consulate's website? ...


Panel physicians who conduct medical examinations on behalf of immigrant visa applicants are required to verify that immigrant visa applicants have met the new vaccination requirement, or that it is medically inappropriate for the visa applicant to receive one or more of the listed vaccinations:

DT/DTP/DTaP, Td, Polio (OPV/IPV), Measles (or MR or MMR), Mumps (or MMR),

Rubella (or MR or MMR), Rotavirus, Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B ), Hepatitis A,

Hepatitis B, Meningococcal, Human Papillomavirus, Varicella, Pneumococcal, Influenza.


Applicants for immigrant visas at the U.S. Consulate Guangzhou must obtain an international vaccination record from one of the PRC Quarantine Bureau offices listed below. If you have already received some or all of the required vaccinations, you should bring your previous vaccination records to the Quarantine Bureau for verification and transfer to your international vaccination record. Physicians at the Quarantine Bureau offices can determine which of the listed vaccinations are medically appropriate for you, given your age, medical history, and current medical condition. Only vaccinations verified or administered at the authorized Quarantine Bureau offices will be accepted by the Consulate.


In the last paragraph it says physicians can determine which are "appropriate for you" ... Has anyone been in this situation of having no vaccine record and the physician signing off on some of them anyway? My fiancee doesn't know which she has received and I'm not sure which she would have needed or would have received at school when young either. I'm sure her situation is not unique at all (I have no idea where my own vaccine records are) so if anyone can share how this went for them that would be great. I know as a K-1 applicant she's not required to get them before going to the States; but am I right in believing that getting the vaccines before going to the States will be simpler? She may get them done even before going to Guangzhou for the interview (should be in Feb-March) and then simply have them transferred to the yellow international medical record - that would give us one less thing to worry about in Guangzhou. Any reason not to do it that way?


Most of us were in this position - no shot records. My advice - save yourself a lot of hassle and go to one of the authorized places listed in China - start the entire series of shots and ensure that they are documented in the Yellow book. They sell them at all of the "authorized places" to get shots in China. Don't just go to an unauthorized place it will be for naught. Get as many done in China a possible - they're cheaper and perhaps you can get them all done, or the first series before you get to the US, where the cost and hassle factors will greatly increase. Being a K-1 is a little like getting a free pass on the shots and then getting hassled during the game. Even when you get some or all the shots, and take the required physical the immunization section is not filled out for K-1, and you have to go to a Dr. that can certify that section when you get to the states. ALmost a catch 22 - but not totally. Get the shots, have a yellow book, reduce your pain.

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My wife had them started at the med center while waiting for her K-1 visa after interview.

They issued her an international vaccination book a passport sized yellow book. This is way cheaper in China than in the States, cost perhaps $40.


We later had this transfered to an I-693 by a US Civil Surgeon which is required for adjustment of status after marriage in the states. MORE: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41344


Also was useful when wife started taking classes at the local college, vaccinations are a requirement of the college.


Vaccinations are age specific, what were needed for most are.


MMR, Varicella, Td

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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Most of us were in this position - no shot records. My advice - save yourself a lot of hassle and go to one of the authorized places listed in China - start the entire series of shots and ensure that they are documented in the Yellow book. They sell them at all of the "authorized places" to get shots in China. Don't just go to an unauthorized place it will be for naught.


Thanks for the advice, sounds like I will wait till we get to Guangzhou after all, then. You said to get the shots at one of the "authorized places" and that way they'll be started in the yellow book. Question: if she gets them started in Guangzhou at an authorized clinic and later needs a second or third series of shots, can the second and third series be done at an "unauthorized" place and will the doctor be able to document it in the yellow book? Can any health practitioner document shots in that book, or once you have that book can only doctors at authorized clinics do that? In other words, must all vaccines and all series of shots be done at one of the few authorized clinics listed? Sorry, I feel I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be. Who knew there could be so many ways to ask the same question!? :)

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The only need to be started for immigration. My wife had them started in China.


You do them at the same med centers authorized to do visa medicals.


Later after getting green card we needed them updated for college. She simply got tested for immunity titer tests.


Yes your family doctor can complet them or do the tests after arriving in USA on the K-1

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So, am I understanding this correctly that even if my fiancee gets MMR, Varicella and Td shots in a local hospital before going to Guangzhou and brings the record of that, they won't be accepted and transferred to the yellow book at the clinic in Guangzhou? And if that's true, anyone know why?


Also, Dan, you mentioned getting the shots started in Guangzhou and then can finish them before AOS in the States. However, if some vaccines need a second dose and we don't go back to the States until about 5 months later, she'll need the next shot before going back to the US. Is it not possible to get the second dose of the series at a local hospital? Is it really required that she return to an authorized clinic (it would be quite a long trip even to the nearest one)?

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So, am I understanding this correctly that even if my fiancee gets MMR, Varicella and Td shots in a local hospital before going to Guangzhou and brings the record of that, they won't be accepted and transferred to the yellow book at the clinic in Guangzhou? And if that's true, anyone know why?


Also, Dan, you mentioned getting the shots started in Guangzhou and then can finish them before AOS in the States. However, if some vaccines need a second dose and we don't go back to the States until about 5 months later, she'll need the next shot before going back to the US. Is it not possible to get the second dose of the series at a local hospital? Is it really required that she return to an authorized clinic (it would be quite a long trip even to the nearest one)?

No I said my wife got them started in China just after her interview, and NEVER compleated them. My wife needed proof of imunity or compleation of the shots for college, we simply got proof of immunity by having titer tests done by my family doctor.


AOS just needs them started, the US Civil Surgeon will sign off on the I-693. Its up to you to complete them.


You can always try bringing a vaccination record from elsewhere, and see if medical center in Guangzhou will transfer to a yellow book. Also there are medical centers located in other cities that are accepted by the consulate for medical and vaccinations. List of locations: http://photos.state.gov/libraries/guangzhou/47024/IV%20p4/Medical%20instruction%20_GIV-8_%20-%20Dec%2009.pdf

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AOS just needs them started, the US Civil Surgeon will sign off on the I-693. Its up to you to complete them.




Got it, thanks Dan. I had thought if I got them started I would HAVE to have them completed and have the second shot of a series within a certain time frame to make the immunization "count." Glad to see that's not the case.

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