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Immigration Visa and Temporary Visas

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My wife's 26 year old daughter just got her Masters degree in the UK and has a part time job there. She is there on a new 2 year English work/study Visa. She has applied for full time work and will continue her doctorate in England. For "strong ties" she owns a home in China and has a reasonable amount of cash/investments in China. She has a solid track record of VISA compliance having lived in England for 7 years on a student visa. She applied for a tourist visa from England to visit us for the holidays and to shop for clothes, computer etc. It was turned down due to lack of "strong ties" to England (a letter from her college was not considered "strong ties" nor was the deed to her China home or copies of her China bank statements. Appears she didn't have a chance as she had no home owned in England, no husband and kids in England, no high level job in England and was a young unmarried Chinese female.


From Chinese friends who are able to bring their nephews here to study but not their nieces, I gather that the USA doesn't want young unmarried Chinese women here.


It seems to me I have several options if she wants to visit us here during the next 20 years (our life expectancy):

(1) have her apply for a tourist visa from China which I'm guessing will be a waste of time and money because she is a young unmarried female under 45 years old

(2) have her apply for a student visa here which would at least give her the opportunity to visit us but would be costly in terms of tuition and possibly a waste of some money as her English credits may not all transfer

(3) apply for an immigration VISA (whether she wants it or not) which would take 7 years (2b) but would at least give her the opportunity to visit within the next 20 years. Does this make any sense?



(Q) If I apply for the immigration VISA does that pretty much guarantee that any future tourist or student visa applications would be rejected while the immigration visa was pending (7 years)?


Any help or advise would be appreciated.


True Blue

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All visit visas applications are assumed to have immigrant intent unless proven otherwise. Having a pending immigrant visa petition in the works goes to showing immigrant intent.


To prove otherwise ties need to be made to home country, perhaps through China may be better, there she could have frozen assets in China, and if working there, can show that tie also.

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