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friend and wife got blue slip after 5 years living together in china

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My friend moved to China about 5 years ago. He met his now wife about 2 weeks after he moved to china. They started dating pretty quickly. Anyway, They got married in April of 09 and began the visa process. They took their time because they were both living together in China so no rush to get to America. Well they just had their interview yesterday and got a blue slip. Here is a sample of his letter. He also mentions in there how easy some of the fiance visa's were approved with really bad answers. :lol:



"We just got back a few hours ago from Guangzhou where we had to go to apply for the Immigrant visa. First, Susy was not given a visa, however she was not denied either. It seems that every single candidate is asked about communist party membership, and Susy honestly said that she used to a member of the CCP. So, basically they need more information before further processing. I have been looking it up and membership in a communist government is grounds for inadmissibility but good news is that if you have been out of the government party for more than 2 years they can't say no. Susy has been out for a little bit longer than 2 years so we are preparing our statement and hoping for the best. Good news is, the visa consultant is satisfied with all other aspects of the application. She actually said "Congratulations, your marriage seems very good and I don't see any problems here." At which point Susy was very happy, but then the VC said..."but I need more info on your communist party affiliation." Nice.


I was not in the room, but according to Susy some of the people that got fiancee visa's is absolutely incredible. My favorite was the woman who doesn't speak any English and the American boyfriend who doesn't speak any Chinese who communicate with an electronic translator. Approved. Another was the ABC whose fiancee is a woman who has a baby, not the ABC's baby some other dude's, and who answered "I don't know" when asked


1. How long have you known each other

2. where does your boyfriend live in America

3. What does your boyfriend do for a living

4. What will you do in america


Approved. It simply boggles the mind seeing some of the people who got visa's."


Anyway I dont think he will have a problem fixing the blue slip but I just thought it was interesting and also seeing how easy some people got through their interview with really bad answers. Gives me alot of hope.

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Sounds like some seriously loose VOs that day, who knows.


Anyway the inadmissibility for membership to the Communist party realy has to do with hard-core practicing communists as in the ones with power.


For the most part virtual all spousal cases are granted an automatic waiver because in the vast majority of cases party membership was a requirement of a job, like having to join a union here in the states for certain jobs.


Your friend did the correct thing and did not try to hide this.

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Communist party membership is an automatic blue slip. It is fairly routine and easy to over come. She should write a note explaining why she joined the party. That it was for work not ideology. We have at least two women members who over came this. It took 3-4 months.

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Communist party membership is an automatic blue slip. It is fairly routine and easy to over come. She should write a note explaining why she joined the party. That it was for work not ideology. We have at least two women members who over came this. It took 3-4 months.

So we should next start kicking out US Citizens who beleive in Communist ideology. I dont see why this should be an automatic blue slip. I know it is but I dont understand why it is.

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Communist party membership is an automatic blue slip. It is fairly routine and easy to over come. She should write a note explaining why she joined the party. That it was for work not ideology. We have at least two women members who over came this. It took 3-4 months.

So we should next start kicking out US Citizens who beleive in Communist ideology. I dont see why this should be an automatic blue slip. I know it is but I dont understand why it is.


Somewhere in GZ speaks is a post where I asked the consulate just that. They replied that it is the law. I too find it odd that a political party that is perfectly legal in the US can keep someone from getting a visa.

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So we should next start kicking out US Citizens who beleive in Communist ideology. I dont see why this should be an automatic blue slip. I know it is but I dont understand why it is.


Somewhere in GZ speaks is a post where I asked the consulate just that. They replied that it is the law. I too find it odd that a political party that is perfectly legal in the US can keep someone from getting a visa.

Is a in part something from the cold war. However it also has to do with national security,


What are security grounds of inadmissibility?

If a consular officer or USCIS inspector has a reasonable ground to believe that the person is coming to the US to engage in espionage or sabotage, or to violate any law relating to prohibitions on exports from the US, the person is inadmissible. Members of a group designated as a terrorist organization are inadmissible, as are people engaged in terrorist activities. If it is determined that the alien’s presence in the US would have negative foreign policy consequences, the person can be denied admission. People who were members of the Communist Party or other totalitarian organizations are generally inadmissible, as are people who assisted in Nazi era persecution. Finally, those who have engaged in genocide are inadmissible.


Again there are two types of communists ones who are political, and those who are non-political as in having to be a party member for a job.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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"... I dont see why this should be an automatic blue slip...." Its a law that is a cold war relic of the fear we had about a population of Chinese that could (because of their vast population) march a goose stepping army of godless slant eye soldiers 6 abreast. carrying submachine guns into the United States ... FOREVER!! ... and no, Mods, this is not a rant from an out of control member... its from a US gov. propaganda film clip circa the 1950's ....


And as bad, and racist as it was,, it's child's play to the Chinese Exclusion Acts of the 1880's and 1920's .... which continue to color our immigration policy for Chinese seeking to come to America.

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They generally assume all CCP members are Ok to admit but all must go through the Security Advisory Opinion which is a more involved name check in the U.S.. The assumption is that they need to be checked a little more carefully in case they have been up to some special activities. Its not the waiver. If they were then denied, they are able to file for a waiver (I-601). The idiocy is how long the check takes! In this computer age, it should take all of a second or two!

Edited by Lee VD (see edit history)
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