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Change of address for foreign fiancee

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I am waiting on my NOA2 at the moment but looking ahead to the P3 and P4 (about which this post is concerned). I know it's hard to play the guessing game with TIME regarding these things but if all goes as planned there's a good chance my fiancee and I will be expecting the P4 (interview letter) during the Spring Festival holiday. We both live in China (same city, different addresses). If the P4 comes during that holiday season (which will be about 6 weeks as we're both in education) she will likely not be able to receive it till after school resumes for the spring semester (she will be back in her hometown much of the holiday).


My question is this: if I want the interview letter sent to MY address (so that we're sure to receive it) will we need for her to send in an AR-11 officially changing her address in the system (though she will not have moved) OR, when you send the P3 back is there a form that goes along with it which allows you to tell them which address they should send the P4 to? Also, I've signed up for electronic notification, will they send me an email with the interview date or will we simply have to wait for the hard copy in the mail?


One last question on a slightly different topic: I read, both here and on the Guangzhou consulate site, that though the visa is technically supposed to be good for 6 months, it could be valid for less. If anyone could share from their experience how long a validity they had that would be helpful. The earliest my fiancee and I can leave China will be in the latter part of July (after I finish my teaching job). If we were to have an interview in the first half of February would that be risky (not being able to leave the country till about 5 and a half months later)? When at the Consulate for her interview could she explain our planned departure date and the visa be issued accordingly?


Thanks so much for the help. If these questions are answered elsewhere I do apologize ... I was looking but didn't find what I was looking for.

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1) AR-11 is a form used only to report a change of address to USCIS, and the address is a US address only it has to do with if US citizen moves during the processing at USCIS so that they can get the NOA2 "Approval" letter or any RFEs sent to a new address of US Citizen in the states. OR it is used by a foreign citizen (Green-card holder) to report any change of address while they live in the USA. It is not used by the Department of State or the consulate. You would wait for NOA2 (Approval) from USCIS and then report the address change to DOS either by email or calling them at their stateside number.




Or after P3 by emailing this to the US consulate here: http://guangzhou.use...t-question.html


2) USCIS Electronic notification stops when they send package on to NVC. Stops at NOA2. They will not notify you of P3 or P4 or interview dates. USCIS is part of DHS, the NVC and consulate are parts of DOS NOT the same department of the US government and do not share same email notifications systems, DOS does not have an email notification system for K-Visas. You can call DOS and TALK to an operator to ask about case status, the automated system does not track K-Visas. (202) 663-1225


3) Should be valid 6 months unless her passport expires less than 6 months after interview, then the visa is set to expire when the passport expires. I would put on the DS-156 form your planned date of travel as being sometime after July. (DS-156 Question 22)


One more note.


If P3 is lost in mail you can always download docs from consulate website and mail in the OF-169 and DS-230 part 1. Afrer DOS visa services indicates P3 sent, by callinging them for status.


If P4 is lost it is not the end of the world either, you can find out interview date from DOS visa services then download all forms from consulate. And can visit consulate for ACH before interview and get a copy of invitation letter.


I was able to get a complete P4 at ACH.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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