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Born notarial/birth certificate

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We have completed the Visa process, and my fiance has been approved and received her Visa "packet". She has a cousin who is to be married on Sept. 17th, 2010, and desires to stay in China for the wedding. However, she says she needs to come here "immediately" due to the fact that her "born notarial" (birth certificate) expires on 11/31/2010. Can anyone explain this to me, and what impact it has on her coming to the U.S., and/or returning to china to visit her family? Thanks.

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Everyone's birth certificates will expire on Dec 21, 2012 (by the Mayan calendar), but the consulate and USCIS will still accept them. :unsure:


She may come whenever she wishes, up to the date that her visa expires.

Correct, the only docs that the consulate considers expired at one year are Certificate of no marriage, and police certificate. Birth certs do not expire in the eyes of the US government.


Only time a birth cert is considered expired is if the person also expired in which case the birth cert is replaced with a death cert.

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