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Using China Bank and Credit Cards in the US

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My wife wants to keep a couple of her bank cards. Has anyone had any experience using China Bank cards in the US at the atm? Does many ATMs have the China Bank card logo like JCB (Japan) and UnionPay in the US? Not sure if she will be charged a transaction fee for using at any ATM. Does the reverse work when using a China Construction Bank Card at Bank of America. No Fees. Thank you

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My wife wants to keep a couple of her bank cards. Has anyone had any experience using China Bank cards in the US at the atm? Does many ATMs have the China Bank card logo like JCB (Japan) and UnionPay in the US? Not sure if she will be charged a transaction fee for using at any ATM. Does the reverse work when using a China Construction Bank Card at Bank of America. No Fees. Thank you



Not sure if this qualifies as the USA - but here in the 50th State - the Logos are EVERYWHERE. (Albeit we get 7 million Japanese tourists each year and now about 400,000 Chinese tourists). I THINK I saw the logo's all over San Franscisco downtown - near Chinatown and in CHinatown...but I'm not 100% sure.


You have my curiosity up...I'm goint to try and use my BOC card here in Hawaii to see if it works.

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