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Got this 4/30/2010 with the RFE.

1. A certified copy of the adoption decree;
2. The legal custody decree; if custody occurred before the adoption;
3. A statement showing dates and places where child resided with the parents; and
4. If the child was adopted while aged 16 or 17 years, evidence that the child was adopted together
with, or subsequent to the adoption of, a natural sibling under age 16 by the same adoptive parent(s).

On 5/1/2010 I sent NVC the white books for her divorce clearly showing that she has custody and a legal statement from the father allowing his daughter to immigrate and the daughter's birth certificate listing both the mother and father names clearly. All this was front loaded in the I-130 petition to USCIS. My step daughter is not adopted.
I don't even know about #3 and 4. WTF???

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For some reason NVC thinks child was adopted, it may require a DNA test to satisfy that was not an adoption.


Best to call 603-334-0700 and talk to an operator about the CR-2 case.

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