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Does China have it's own bubble.

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"The Japanese economy went through one of the largest property bubbles in history in the last quarter century."


So lets wait 25 years and see...


and on the other hand, WHO CARES?


P.S. Don't take it personally since I like your posts.. I find a comment in the article I am replying to.


I don't doubt that there is a bubble of some sort, but not sure that its trajectory will look anything like bubbles in other countries. The real estate market is very different.


The housing is not as heavily mortgaged; people put family money in, so they have a lot of instant equity. So even if the values drop, they may never choose to sell the properties at the lower prices. And I don't think you will see the foreclosures happen.


Also, the musical chairs game of housing doesn't play out in China like it does in the U.S. Of every five houses sold in China, only one is "second-hand." In contrast, 14 of every 15 houses sold in the U.S. are second-hand.

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