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TOP 10 : Signs your 747 won't be leaving on time

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10 / It's still being refurbished in Bangladesh as we speak

9/ Pilot keeps stopping along SFO runways to ask for directions to the gate

8/ There's a snow storm at Chek Lap Kok. Damn.

7/ Just for fun, everybody gets a boarding pass marked "24D"

6/ Co-pilot still arguing about handling the big stick on take-off

5/ They ran out of pretzels ! Caterer's contract cancelled

4/ Too hard to learn Chinese in 2 hrs for UA flight attendants..

3/ Santa's on it's way from San Jose ! Sled broke down on freeway..

2/ Published departure time ?? LOL .. Didn't tell you at the travel agency, huh? Get real.

1/ We want to get into Hong-Kong at 4 am when it's less crowded....




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I was surprised they gave her one year multiple entry...

She must be really looking forward to THAT trip.


(Guess I'm in one of those moods this morning. Please forgive..........)








Have a great trip Eric. I am sure Yuhui is going to love all those exotic port of calls.


Speaking of exotic Dave, those econs of the dancing girls a getting kind of exotic. Have you got one of a dog eating with chopsticks. :D :lol: :o

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