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Anybody know the code for LIN Numbers?

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ya I know kind of pisses me off here I am around 90 days and to see some getting done in as short as 2 weeks but this site is good fuel for the fire if we need proof, if you want to help this site out write the guy he has a script that runs to collect data and uploads it to the site, he is in Germany I guess also waiting for a visa.

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I would have now problem if the INS made a comittment to process all visas in a set amount of time, perhaps 6 months, AND STICK TO IT in all except the most extreme exceptional cases.


There should not be any "oops, we misplaced your file".... too common of a story.... Even when one calls every week or two and they assure one that they have it and are working on it.


Generally I have no problem waiting in line.


If there are 100 people waiting in line at Walmart, I will either put my item back on the shelf and leave, or I will patiently wait till I get to the front.


However, I certainly start steaming as people squeeze in front of me as it makes the wait at the back of the line a lot longer.


Maybe I am loosing coherence now.... I will stop for now.


------ CK -----

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I would have now problem if the INS made a comittment to process all visas in a set amount of time, perhaps 6 months, AND STICK TO IT in all except the most extreme exceptional cases.


There should not be any "oops, we misplaced your file".... too common of a story....  Even when one calls every week or two and they assure one that they have it and are working on it.


Generally I have no problem waiting in line.


If there are 100 people waiting in line at Walmart, I will either put my item back on the shelf and leave, or I will patiently wait till I get to the front.


However, I certainly start steaming as people squeeze in front of me as it makes the wait at the back of the line a lot longer.


Maybe I am loosing coherence now.... I will stop for now.


------ CK -----

Get steamed when people butt in line in front of you, aye?


Try waiting in line in China!!!! :P


You won't be steamed, you'll be roasted and toasted! ;) :P

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Get steamed when people butt in line in front of you, aye?


Try waiting in line in China!!!! :P


You won't be steamed, you'll be roasted and toasted! ;) ?ph34r:

People wait in line in China??? :P Where???



I can't stand to wait in line long

So I built a new machine

It just measures up the distance

and then eliminates the folks between



-Stunt, Barenaked Ladies

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Get steamed when people butt in line in front of you, aye?


Try waiting in line in China!!!! ;)


You won't be steamed, you'll be roasted and toasted! ;)  :P

People wait in line in China??? :P Where???



Yes I learned not to give space between you and the guy in front of you as somebody else will feel the need to fill it, as they said when I was in the Army "Make your body smile"

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Maybe the Chinese do it a bit different than the Italians.....


In Italy, if one goes into a "Market".....


One gets in the back of the crowd and tries to decide what to purchase...... Bunches of short Italians crowd infront...... Then, after the appropriate amount of time, the shop keeper will point to the tall American waiting in the back and ask what one wants :)


----- CK ------

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