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China region cut off from Net

Guest Tony n Terrific

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This is kind of frightening thing. As we have become so dependant on the Internet, cell phones and the like a thing like this could happen here as well. If a power mad Hitler type would take over the Oval office we could have this also. Is the Internet to become New Speak?



Actually that has come up already in congress.


Bill would give president emergency control of Internet


Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.


They're not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.


The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license. ....MORE



These things happen when government fears the people, so be very aware when government incrementally takes your freedoms away. The government could declare a "cybersecurity emergency" if they feel that the "Governed" are getting fed up and are about to revolt.

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This is kind of frightening thing. As we have become so dependant on the Internet, cell phones and the like a thing like this could happen here as well. If a power mad Hitler type would take over the Oval office we could have this also. Is the Internet to become New Speak?



A power mad Hitler type in the oval office???...don't be so paranoid. We'll make it. We'll even make it to election year of 2012. Then the people can make their choice. Maybe by then we'll be able to cast our votes via the internet!... :blink:

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Guest Liuling

This is kind of frightening thing. As we have become so dependant on the Internet, cell phones and the like a thing like this could happen here as well. If a power mad Hitler type would take over the Oval office we could have this also. Is the Internet to become New Speak?



A power mad Hitler type in the oval office???...don't be so paranoid. We'll make it. We'll even make it to election year of 2012. Then the people can make their choice. Maybe by then we'll be able to cast our votes via the internet!... :blink:


We, the people, do not elect presidents in this country. Where did you go to school? Like the CCC, the president here is elected by the electoral college! We do not live in a democracy!

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This is kind of frightening thing. As we have become so dependant on the Internet, cell phones and the like a thing like this could happen here as well. If a power mad Hitler type would take over the Oval office we could have this also. Is the Internet to become New Speak?



A power mad Hitler type in the oval office???...don't be so paranoid. We'll make it. We'll even make it to election year of 2012. Then the people can make their choice. Maybe by then we'll be able to cast our votes via the internet!... :dgoat:


We, the people, do not elect presidents in this country. Where did you go to school? Like the CCC, the president here is elected by the electoral college! We do not live in a democracy!

The popular vote elects the elector...... the popular vote- my vote!

Edited by samsong (see edit history)
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Guest Liuling

This is kind of frightening thing. As we have become so dependant on the Internet, cell phones and the like a thing like this could happen here as well. If a power mad Hitler type would take over the Oval office we could have this also. Is the Internet to become New Speak?



A power mad Hitler type in the oval office???...don't be so paranoid. We'll make it. We'll even make it to election year of 2012. Then the people can make their choice. Maybe by then we'll be able to cast our votes via the internet!... :pc:


We, the people, do not elect presidents in this country. Where did you go to school? Like the CCC, the president here is elected by the electoral college! We do not live in a democracy!

The popular vote elects the elector...... the popular vote- my vote!


Sorry to dissapoint you.....guess again.....or....look up special electors of the electoral college on the internet. Also, all of the electors do not have to vote the way they were told to vote for a candidate by their State. The last election hinged on Special electors that were appointed by political big wigs.....Knowledge is an awakening thing....

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This is kind of frightening thing. As we have become so dependant on the Internet, cell phones and the like a thing like this could happen here as well. If a power mad Hitler type would take over the Oval office we could have this also. Is the Internet to become New Speak?



A power mad Hitler type in the oval office???...don't be so paranoid. We'll make it. We'll even make it to election year of 2012. Then the people can make their choice. Maybe by then we'll be able to cast our votes via the internet!... :)


We, the people, do not elect presidents in this country. Where did you go to school? Like the CCC, the president here is elected by the electoral college! We do not live in a democracy!

The popular vote elects the elector...... the popular vote- my vote!


Sorry to dissapoint you.....guess again.....or....look up special electors of the electoral college on the internet. Also, all of the electors do not have to vote the way they were told to vote for a candidate by their State. The last election hinged on Special electors that were appointed by political big wigs.....Knowledge is an awakening thing....

I can't agree with you. The popular vote is the driving force in the presidential election and the electorial vote is something set up in the constitution when the country was founded however it is used. I don't care to argue or get into any details about it all because I really don't care. I know what I know and I know that it is the people's vote that elects the president. You only have to look at the modern day landslides to see that is true, Nixon in 1972 and Reagan in 1984. With the overwhelming majority of popular votes in both races, do you think the electorial college would have chosen McGovern or Mondale over the people? Nope, sorry guy, it don't work that way. Again, I don't care to get into the intricacies of it all but it is the popular vote that guides the way, not the electorial. Our nation was founded on these principals and it's worked well for over 200 years now and the people would stand for nothing less. Who are we to argue that? I'm not a conspiracy nut but do you think a "power mad Hitler type" individual would ever be voted into office by the people, or the electorial college over the people for that matter? You need to get your priorities in line.

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Topic closed due to repeated bashing of a US president,


Note topic started out fine with subject about region of china cut off from the net, and response that this behavior has been proposed in the USA. But somehow got side tracked into some political debate about how a president gets elected.


:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

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