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Hi All,


In the very recent past, several people recommended pulling out some of the best information from old posts and creating a Candle F.A.Q.


This would be a great time to do so. We are running out of server space, and need to clear out some old posts. Don't worry, I will replicate everything to a local machine, so that the information is not lost, but as far as being available online, unfortunately it looks like for pragmatic reasons, this is not practical.


On the upside, it is a testament to how much support and information we have shared with each other over this past year. :P


Basically, I am hoping that some volunteers (anyone in the Candle community with spare time) could go through and post links here to the old discussions that might be useful for newcomers.


To view *all* of the topics, when you are in a forum, there are 3 drop-downs at the bottom.


Showing X of Y topics sorted by <DROP DOWN 1> in <DROP DOWN 2> from <DROP DOWN 3>.


Change drop down 3 from "Last 30 days" to "the beginning" and click on the "GO" button.


This will give you access to the entire history of Candle.


If you find something you think should be included in a FAQ, please post the link here, or email me:







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Hi All,


In the very recent past, several people recommended pulling out some of the best information from old posts and creating a Candle F.A.Q.


This would be a great time to do so.  We are running out of server space, and need to clear out some old posts.  Don't worry, I will replicate everything to a local machine, so that the information is not lost, but as far as being available online, unfortunately it looks like for pragmatic reasons, this is not practical.  


On the upside, it is a testament to how much support and information we have shared with each other over this past year.   :P


Basically, I am hoping that some volunteers (anyone in the Candle community with spare time) could go through and post links here to the old discussions that might be useful for newcomers.  


To view *all* of the topics, when you are in a forum, there are 3 drop-downs at the bottom.  


Showing X of Y topics sorted by <DROP DOWN 1> in <DROP DOWN 2> from <DROP DOWN 3>.  


Change drop down 3 from "Last 30 days" to "the beginning" and click on the "GO" button.


This will give you access to the entire history of Candle.


If you find something you think should be included in a FAQ, please post the link here, or email me:







I'll be glad to give it a shot.


I would like to make a suggestion, though. With +38,000 posts (okay, 37,000 if you don't count the Mick/Eric et al. blue thingie races), it might be better to see how many volunteers we have and then parcel out the posts for review, say by month. maybe assigning several months to the volunteers. This might save some duplication of effort.


Also, we might need a little QC here. With things changing daily, a good piece of information from six months ago might be bad information today.


Just let me know. I'm sure my boss won't mind. :P

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I would recommend doing a 2-fold hunt:


1) Create A FAQ forum that is very terse with only FAQs, and not discussion chains. 2 or 3 people should have moderator / edit capabilities to build and maintain these. For example, I think the 001 info could be abbreviated to a single instruction sheet rather than 3.


2) Create an Archive forum of the most "useful" information and hottest topics from the Visa Discussion.


3) Create an Archive for the most profound stories. Of course, the "General Visa Discussion" forum has been growing out of proportion to all of the others. But, some of the more profound "Stories" are burried deep within the General Visa Discussion.


------ CK -------

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Guest hakkamike

PJ, it may be time for people to maybe donate a little bit of Mula, Pesos to keep all the posts, you can count me in for right at 569.75 MXN, I just hope the rate of exchange does not change in your favor in the next few days lol lol lol

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PJ, it may be time for people to maybe donate a little bit of Mula, Pesos to keep all the posts, you can count me in for right at  569.75 MXN, I just hope the rate of exchange does not change in your favor in the next few days lol lol lol

I have at least 100 Rubles that I could chip in!!!!!



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I have looked at some of the older articles on the system, although I haven't had a chance to read everything.


It might be interesting to peruse everything on CD or DVD.


One of the things that I think would good to save are the stories of the users. Love Stories, Hate Stories, Sad Stories, and Happy Stories.


In these, I have included the PJ Story.... LOTS OF STUFF THERE.....


I think it is good to let people know about some of the pitfalls that can happen with the long engagements that we are enduring, as well as differing goals between the Men and Women that are going through this process.


I do think we should be able to put together a consensus FAQ for some things like 129F forms, differences between Fiancee & Spouse visas, Important Contacts, & etc.




------ Clifford ------







Candle Power



Colin Powell, Secretary of state

Powell's Phone Number:






Demise of INS



Airline Security Stuff



Mick's Better Half (Xiao Hua) Hmmm, how can she have 1/100 the number of posts as Mick? Does he ever share the computer with him?




PJ's Story




Need Translation


Ring's Computer


Feb 21 Closure


Feb 21 Cleaning Closet


Feb 22 Reflections


Feb 22 Name Change


Feb 23


Feb 24


Feb 25


Reflections Revisited


TryToBeFair's response to PJ's Story


More Comments:



8 Months Later






China Dave's Story





Owenkrout What we learned at GZ


Mick, GZ Trip



Oregon Topic:



General Info from GZ













Differences of Opinions on the Candle



The Forgotten Bunch Letter




Wife's Friend Wants to meet an American Man



Things to do when she gets here


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Here is another batch of "Keepers".


I hate to say it, but it may not be good for a "newbie" to be hunting for interesting stuff on the web site... I am sure I will miss something very important!!!!!


------ Clifford -------



Message from Santa Claus, Reason for delay



North Pole press relase, Further details



Top 10: Why Santa will get a visa dec 24, Before most Chinese




christmas wish for santa



Elves Freed



Santa Called Me



Problems for Santa, I promise - the last one



A meeting with Belsnickel, Can a bad man be good once more






Owen & etc.

Today's Culture Lesson, Taxis in China



Todays Culture Lesson, Traffic in China - Part One



Traffic in China - Part II, Today's Culture Lesson




Planes, Trains and Automobiles (And More), Travel in China Part 1



Travel in China (continued), Mini Busses




Todays Culture Lesson, Cross-Country Busses




Developing a Broader Perspective, A Personal Cultural Lesson




Rules, rules and more rules, Keeping your nose clean



Observations and thoughts from China




Inputting Chinese Characters



INS workers shredding documents



Last Bachelor week-end..., Top10: The flip side of K-1's :-)



Top Ten Ways to Know You Are Addicted to Candle, Help is On the Way Chinadave



95 Questions



Table manners?, Just wondering.



Sweet and Fresh Toilet Water, OT- Something's Lost in Translation



OT - Can't keep this to myself



Cleaning the House, From Trash Heap to Just Dirty



I Love You, Culture And Relationships http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....ct=ST&f=1&t=407


Just before she comes home, 10 things to get ready http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=1&t=1635


Any funny stories?, Since you have met your beloved?



Top10: House cleaning tips..., and how to make it painless...on you !!



How many of us thought our house was clean, Where is the maid?



Bachelor pad not clean



VIRUS WARNING - TIC, (Tongue-in-cheek)


Oh, my ex-boss is a “BLOND”….. She brought this one to me about a year ago very concerned about a possible infection that might be going around work….. :D

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Anybody want to try to pull out all of the "good" top 10 lists?


Maybe that should be a job for Eric!!!!!!!! :angry:


I will try to get the "Great Owenkrout Classics" assembled soon.


I think PJ was asking for FAQ sheets.


I still think some of those should be rewritten from scratch based on user input.


----- Clifford -----

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Your help has been great! I'm going to pull these into a single HTML file and structure once I have some free time this weekend.


Too tired everyday after long days in the office. :( Stress levels are high these days. Usually work slows down around the holidays. Not this year.


And anytime I'm not at work, I'm talking with my fiancee on skype. Sure saves money on long distance that way. :)


Thanks again for your help, we appreciate it!



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FAQ TOP 10 suggestion.... Subjects that have been beaten to death..

You don't want too long a FAQ,,so we might want to keep the topic list to a reasonable length..IMHO..

The top 10 titles below might be a bit humourous, but the contents would be serious...


10/ AOS, EAD and AP filing for dummies

9/ K visa petition filing for dummies & BCIS fillable forms

8/ BCIS / Consulate contact info and wait times...Read and weep kid.

7/ Calling to/ from China.. When AT&T just won't do.

6/ Sending money to China when Western Union just won't do

5/ Getting SS and Driver license . The jungle explained.

4/ Vaccinations and medical exam in the U.S and/or China.

3/ P3-P4 and Consulate interview : Do's and Dont's

2/ Cheap airlines tickets to/ from China - Decent hotels

1/ China baby.. what to do... ( ahem..after he/she's born that is :) )


I can fill that out later with good links I have been colecting and using since the BH days



And on a lighter note..



- Most pointless and wacky threads with nothing to do whatsoever with immigration

- Mick's November 2003 CDL rambla-thon...

- The Black Hole gang.. The Good, the Bad and the real Ugly

- Life Insurance & Taxi in China

- Cleaning the toilet: A-Z guide

- BCIS most wanted.

- Top 10's Top 10




;) :lol:

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FAQ TOP 10 suggestion.... Subjects that have been beaten to death..

You don't want too long a FAQ,,so we might want to keep the topic list to a reasonable length..IMHO..

The top 10 titles below might be a bit humourous, but the contents would be serious...


10/ AOS, EAD and AP filing for dummies

9/ K visa petition filing for dummies & BCIS fillable forms

8/ BCIS / Consulate contact info and wait times...Read and weep kid.

7/ Calling to/ from China.. When AT&T just won't do.

6/ Sending money to China when Western Union just won't do

5/ Getting SS and Driver license . The jungle explained.

4/ Vaccinations and medical exam in the U.S and/or China.

3/ P3-P4 and Consulate interview : Do's and Dont's

2/ Cheap airlines tickets to/ from China - Decent hotels

1/ China baby.. what to do... ( ahem..after he/she's born that is  :blink:  )


I can fill that out later with good links I have been colecting and using since the BH days



And on a lighter note..



- Most pointless and wacky threads with nothing to do whatsoever with immigration

- Mick's November 2003 CDL rambla-thon...

- The Black Hole gang.. The Good, the Bad and the real Ugly

- Life Insurance & Taxi in China

- Cleaning the toilet: A-Z guide

- BCIS most wanted.

- Top 10's Top 10




:lol:  :lol:

You can delete the Rambla-thon. I don't mind at all. :(


No, I really don't mind. :P

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FAQ TOP 10 suggestion.... Subjects that have been beaten to death..

You don't want too long a FAQ,,so we might want to keep the topic list to a reasonable length..IMHO..

The top 10 titles below might be a bit humourous, but the contents would be serious...


10/ AOS, EAD and AP filing for dummies

9/ K visa petition filing for dummies & BCIS fillable forms

8/ BCIS / Consulate contact info and wait times...Read and weep kid.

7/ Calling to/ from China.. When AT&T just won't do.

6/ Sending money to China when Western Union just won't do

5/ Getting SS and Driver license . The jungle explained.

4/ Vaccinations and medical exam in the U.S and/or China.

3/ P3-P4 and Consulate interview : Do's and Dont's

2/ Cheap airlines tickets to/ from China - Decent hotels

1/ China baby.. what to do... ( ahem..after he/she's born that is  :blink:  )


I can fill that out later with good links I have been colecting and using since the BH days



And on a lighter note..



- Most pointless and wacky threads with nothing to do whatsoever with immigration

- Mick's November 2003 CDL rambla-thon...

- The Black Hole gang.. The Good, the Bad and the real Ugly

- Life Insurance & Taxi in China

- Cleaning the toilet: A-Z guide

- BCIS most wanted.

- Top 10's Top 10




:lol:  :lol:

You can delete the Rambla-thon. I don't mind at all. :(


No, I really don't mind. :P

I was serious about # 10 to 1 though.

Looks to me and Y like those topics came on and on all the time..

And they are still in the news.


Topics like the BH gang, and other memorable things are great, but they are in the past now. I don't think an FAQ section should include them. Let's stick to what's still current.

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