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Reply from Moscow

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I got an interesting letter in the mail today as a reply to my local congressman's inquiry (the letter I wrote to the congressman is under "Our Stories").



Dear MS. Clay


Thank you for your email inquiry of November 20 regarding the immigrant visa case of Irina […], fiancée of your constituent Mr. Clifford Keele.


As you may know, we are now required to perform additional administrative processing on applicants' cases before we schedule an interview. The additional administrative processing on Ms. […]'s case is mandatory and we cannot schedule her visa interview until it has been completed. Unfortunately, as of today it has not been completed. Due to the complexity of the procedure and the volume of cases, it is not possible to predict when this particular case will be completed.


We apologize for the delay in finalizing this visa case. You may be assured, however, that every effort is being made to process all visa applications as expeditiously as possible, consistent with all relevant security concerns.


Please contact us again if we can be of further assistance to you in any other consular matter.



Customer Service Unit

Consular Section




Oh, by the way, I don't think MS was the appropriate title to use for HIM, even though he does go by Lacy Clay.



Unfortunately, they have not said anything new, other than that I should wait patiently. I still have no idea what the "Additional Administrative Processing" could possibly be.


Do you think they write individual letters, or have a form letter for replies to congressmen?


I guess I will give them a break for another couple of weeks, then try again.


----- Clifford -----

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Clifford, I suspect they fine tune the letters a little for Congressmen, but the main body is still probably cut and paste. What they told him, as you already know, was nothing new. "We are making every effort.....blah blah blah..". Used to get the same drivel during the Black Hole days. Back then they were in love with the word "vetting", as in, " your case is currently undergoing vetting through blah blah blah..."


Hang in there, I have a feeling something will break open for you guys soon.

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Back then they were in love with the word "vetting", as in, " your case is currently undergoing vetting through blah blah blah..."


I assume that had nothing to do with a "CORVETTE" :V:




I had to look that one up.


"To subject to expert appraisal or correction: EVALUATE"

"To subject to thorough examination or evaluation: vet a manuscript. "


I guess it would fit.... Another big word to use that really doesn't tell a person anything.



Anyway, I think that as much of the problem is the system that has been put in place by our government here in the USA. I have already sent a note back to Congressman Clay thanking him for the effort and suggesting that he consider legislation that would smooth out the process.


------ Clifford ------

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