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Question about marriage and Tax laws?

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The US government recognizes all marriages that are performed in other countries when one of the person is a US citizen. So, being the fact that i am married officially....Can i take advantage of the new Tax laws that GWB passed recently? The reason why i ask is because my wife has never lived here with me, and i dont forsee her being here before 2004. I mean, by law, I have to declare i am married, because legally i am. Correct?

If you don't know about this law, it reduces your tax liability from 27% to 15%. That is a large chunk of money for me, and would be very helpful!


Just curious and wondering if anybody had any advice!


Sincerely, Patrick

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Patrick, here's a link to the IRS Pub 519 that deals with this issue.




I think that you can elect to treat your non resident spouse as a resident for tax purposes, allowing you to file a joint return. You would have to include all of her income, etc., and she would need a TIN.


I think MoonCarolCafe has dealt with this. Maybe, he'll chime in.

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