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Face Book Page

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Hello Brothers and sisters


There is a FaceBook page for the Nanning Brothers and sisters

We can share Photos and chat there . it is just an other Place top Share stories and Photos of our travel;s to Asia, China Nanning


Please pass the word All are welcome


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XIE XIE my brother



Happy new year bets to you and your Family in 2010


All the best to the CFL Group



Edited by Michael-Sean (see edit history)
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Hello my Brothers and Sister.


I also have went to China and brought my fiancee (and then wife) to America. I have a kindred to each and every one of you.


I am the administrator of the group on Facebook that Michael-Sean has brought up.


I am sorry to inform you that this group on Facebook is only for the members of The Nanning and China Forum (TNCF). If you are a member of TNCF then you are welcome and will be admitted to this facebook group, if not your request will be denied.


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to explain this.

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