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Wo-ho ~ !!


The "meaningful" agreement ~ ! While all of Euro-trash protest outside, China alone, is: "to thine own self be true"


China, the former Soviet state (run by former Socialists---emphasis--former) is the only nation that fully understands the inherent fraud in cap & trade.


Here it is: Cap & Trade is a like a patent. It gives specific rights---vested by the government---to those already engaged in favorable (government approved) enterprise. And allows those individuals and companies to extract fees (patent royalties, really) ---- from enterprises and companies engaged in unfavorable commerce----power generation is the prime example. Sure, we all need power, but the way it is currently generated, is unfavorable (politically incorrect).


In the US for instance, in California, a corporation who's business it is to raise trees, now has government approval. (a patent really). to extract "royalties" (carbon credits) from power companies---for what???


Nothing's changed ~!! The power company still generates power, (the way it always has) the tree company still raises trees.


The difference between this kind of patent is fundamentally different from what the founding fathers envisioned for patent protection (and included in the commerce clauses of the constitution): The framers of our Nation understood that innovation-----and invention was going to be a driving force for the new Republic, and secure its place as the beacon for the world----not some kind of Soviet model economy.


Cap & Trade is Patent Rights extended to the favorable----WITHOUT INNOVATION ~!


And in Copenhagen-----ONLY the Chinese were willing to hang tough and bear the brunt for being the TRUE innovators!! And this Democrat says----SHAME on Obama, for not standing shoulder to shoulder with Wen Jiabo ~!!


Meanwhile, the new high speed railroad between Guangzhou and Wuhan is nearly ready to open---cutting the travel time from GZ to YueYang (parent's home) from about 11 hours---to less than three.


And ground is broken for the famous "Y" bridge-----between HK, Macao, and Zhohai.. Artificial islands will support much of it-----'environmental studies' in the US would probably take 30 years to complete---and then construction would be denied.


----but in each case, these are exactly the kinds of projects the world needs--- since they, ultimately, have a far smaller foot print on natural resources----note that I said nothing about CO2...

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Hey nice rant,

On the cap and trade/alternate energy theme PG&E, a major utility in California recently signed a deal with a company that will be putting solar collecting satellites that will beam the energy to earth. Supposed to be more cost effective than ground based solar.


What kind of system do you prefer compared to cap/and/trade?


Here is what I think the US should do.

1. Invest heavily in nuclear power plants for the short term. France produces over 70% of its electricity from nuclear right now.

2. Invest heavily in nuclear fusion research for the long term.

3. Invest heavily in mass transit systems, and high speed rail.

4. Offer deep tax credits and re-institute the cash for clunkers for people that buy cars getting 60 plus miles per gallon.

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