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Sharp rise in Chinese arrests at U.S. border


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Actually, Hu and Wen, in my eyes, have devoted a great deal to make China proceed to a jural country, though China has a lot more to do.


Yes, executing nine Uighurs is certainly a great step towards justice.


Happy every day.

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Actually, Hu and Wen, in my eyes, have devoted a great deal to make China proceed to a jural country, though China has a lot more to do.


Yes, executing nine is certainly a great step towards justice.


Happy every day.

How about we don't separate people by their ethnic group when judge whether the sentence is fair or not? No matter what ethnic group a person belongs, he can not kill others, otherwise, he must be condemned. Do you and do I want to be threatened and killed by others? No, we don't. The law is to protect our safety, though often it fails. I have said, China has a long way to go to become a jural country. Hu and Wen are not able to make China a jural country overnight, because networking through petticoat influence is full of the social system. Many unfair things happen and are protected to fullfil the interest of the powerful people. These phenomenon are hard to be inhibited if the there is no big change in the social system.
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To compensate my first post in this thread---though my first post can just be ignored, my cousin doesn't use any vehicle now. Since he was tripped during his entrance to his desired job, he becomes cynical sometimes and he is very careful about the backstabbing things. He even watches what he wears. He only wears his working suit most of the time. And if he very occasionally wears other than the working suit, he will tell people that is the suit given to him by his professors, which is totally true. His professors gave him all kinds of things.

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