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Nominations for "Fearless Leaders"

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I hope this isn't premature.....


We need to start taking nominations for Fearless Leaders for a possible meeting in GZ China. :)


I would suggest selecting 2 representatives with the following characteristics:


American (a Chinese Fiancee/Spouse may be possible for a 3rd perspective)


K1-K4 Visa application somewhere in processing from BCIS through GZ (preferably somewhere stuck in GZ).


Either in China, or able to travel to China as necessary.


(oh, and a "screaming 2 month old infant" wouldn't hurt).


Willing to Represent the WHOLE Group.


Interested in more than a single issue. For example, we don't want to fix the P3 Pit by making a HUGE P4 Pit. AND NO WHITESLIPS!!!!


----- Clifford -----


P.S. If we have several nominees and can't work it out, then I would suggest using the Candle Poll function later. Perhaps we will come up with a mutual agreement before that.

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I nominate Keelec, He seems to be doing his homework already. I would like to but my public speaking skills have not evolved past giving the bird.



Thank you, I am flattered... :D ...


However, as many of you know, I am stuck in a different pit than the rest of you. While I would love a trip to China, I think at the moment it would carry more weight for someone who's application is more directly connected to GZ to represent us there.



However, I would like to continue working with the group here in the USA (or, perhaps, be your lone representative to Russia). I am trying to learn as much as I can about the Visa process so that I might be able to become involved with streamlining the overall process starting here in the USA, and perhaps later expanding to other countries.


My goal would be to see the entire process, start to finish be reduced to 3-6 months. To do so, every step would be affected in some manner.


Perhaps the only exception to a 3-6 month rule would be for very few select cases, and individuals from those countries that the USA is currently involved in hostilities with, or otherwise deems to be an EXTREME risk to national security (former East Block countries don't count without some other reason).


Unfortunately, I am also not quite sure how and where to start with approaching improving "THE SYSTEM".


----- Clifford ------


P.S. It was Donahso that reminded me that I was looking up the wrong birds (which I was already figuring out when I posted my last discussion topic). :P

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