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Is a F visa eligibe for a Temporary Resident Permit?

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Does anyone now or have had any experiences with the F visa for students or business purposes? Next time I go to China to see my wife I am thinking about taking some classes. I want to make sure before I sign up that I can do everything that I could with the L visa. My major concern is not being able to obtain a temporary residents permit when i register with the police.

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Does anyone now or have had any experiences with the F visa for students or business purposes? Next time I go to China to see my wife I am thinking about taking some classes. I want to make sure before I sign up that I can do everything that I could with the L visa. My major concern is not being able to obtain a temporary residents permit when i register with the police.

You do not get a resident permit when you register with the police. You only can get a residence permit by getting a foreign expert certificate and sponser by a company you are working for in china. Or you can get a one if you marry a chinese national in china. Or invest in a business here in China with some big money..

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I'm in China on a student x-visa. This year, was a little more difficult in getting the renewed residence permit (Yes, as a student (X visa), you DO get a residence permit).


About the X - Visa


My understanding is this. First, you must be accepted by a school for study. I was forced to pay my tuition for the full academic year. In years past, I was able to pay tuition term-by-term.


Once I paid my tuition, I gave my tuition receipt to the foreign affairs office at my school, then I waited for about a week, while they processed some forms for me to take to the local PSB Visa office.


Because I live off campus:


After I received the necessary documents from my school, I was told that before I process them for visa issuance, I must first get a letter from the nearest PSB office to my residence, stating that I have registered my address in China.


After, I received the letter from the PSB, I went to the Visa issuing branch of the PSB (Public Security Bureau).




At the visa office, I had to give them 4 head-shots with a red background. Ask your SO, she'll know what I'm talking about, as most Chinese have a stock pile of them.


I also gave them the forms from my school, the letter from the police office near my home (stating that I registered my living address), and I paid them 400 RMB, which is the current price for a 1 year student's visa.


You will need to give them your passport, in return, they will give you a yellow receipt. Do not lose this, but keep it in a safe place, because you will need it to get your passport back (usually within one week).


When you get your passport back, a week later, you will have the residence permit stuck to one of your entry/exit pages.


Now, that was my story.


I know that my classmates (who live on campus) had help from the school's foreign affairs office in obtaining their visas. I know for certain that the school accompanied them to the police station, as well as to get their health certificate (If this is your first year in China, you'll need to get one - I've been in China for six years, and I only received one health check, my first year).


I believe some students entered China on a 30 day tourist visa, getting it changed to a student's visa, after arriving to the campus.


If I were you, I would talk with your SO and decide which school you would like to attend. While in America I was able to email my potential school questions (foreign affairs office) about the visa process, and they were happy to answer any questions that I had.


It seems the visa process for foreigner's changes from year-to-year, so I would definitely find a contact, where you intend to study, who can help answer any questions that you may have.


One note about the residence permit. China has done away with the green residence books, that they had when I first arrived in China. Now, the residence permit goes directly in your passport, and look similar to a visa. Hope this helps.


Don't worry about the process. If you pay the money for tuition, you'll get the residence permit. The schools here realize you've never been to China before, and that you're probably unfamiliar with the procedures. It's your foreign affairs office's responsibility to help you through the whole process.


Like the tourist visa, you can travel and sight-see as well on a student's visa. I have been able to do everything I have normally done (on a tourist visa) with my student's visa. The tourist visa is single entry - the student visa is multi-entry, which is nice. You are not allowed to work on a student's visa.


About the F - Visa


When I first inquired about attending school, I asked my school about the F visa, and they said that was for guest lecturers, or academic research personnel, not for people wanting to study (in my case) Chinese. Personally, I disagree with that statement, based on the information linked below, but I went a head and did what my FAO told me to do. When in Rome. . .


Visa information


Check with your desired school, and tell them you only want to study for one term, and they'll begin to walk you through the process.


The F visa is for people who are wanting to study less than 6 months. For this visa type, a residence permit is not required. However the visa is renewable, I believe for up to 1 year.


Here's some more visa information:


X Visa or F Visa

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thanks for the information and link :angry:


I'll be returning on my L Multi 90 visa and then signing up for school there after. The courses I will be taking are only for 2 months, so the school will only assist me in getting a F visa. I figure even if the F visa is only for 6 months, I can always get the extension for being married. I just wish I didn't have to keep changing my visa.


Do you know if a sponsor is needed when registering with the local police. I believe this person has to be registered from the same city or what my wife likes to say, a Beijing person. The wife will be out of town when I return, so I'll attempt to pull this off myself. My pervious times in china I did receive small temp residence permit paper from the police station.

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Yeah, you'll need a sponsor. It'll be your school or company - whoever gave you your invitation to study. Would it be possible for you to contact the FAO at your school and have them assist you? That may be the easiest way to handle this.

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Yeah, you'll need a sponsor. It'll be your school or company - whoever gave you your invitation to study. Would it be possible for you to contact the FAO at your school and have them assist you? That may be the easiest way to handle this.



My problem is that I won't be getting the F visa until after I arrive. I do feel a lot better knowing that I will be able to keep living at my rented home in Beijing after the F visa is issued. I'm not sure what to do when I arrive on my L visa about registering at the police station. I can take the prior slip and the paper from the House complex showing that I am staying where. Not sure if this will work.

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Do you know where you will be studying? You'll need documentation from your school to change your visa. Someone in your school's foreign affairs office should will be willing and able to help you. The best advice I can give you is get in contact with them and they'll help you get everything ironed out.


As I mentioned earlier, it isn't uncommon for someone to enter China on a tourist visa (for example) and have it changed once they arrive at their work place (z visa), or their school (x or f visa). Your school will help you in getting your visa changed to the appropriate class.


Good luck!

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