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More K3/K4 notes

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What is all that about forwarding the petition by scanned e-mail?





What is NVC's role in processing K3 visas?


22. NVC receives an approved I-129F/K3 petition from INS, performs the NCIC

namecheck, and forwards the petition to the processing post by scanned e-mail.

Posts must keep NVC informed of any changes in the e-mail address at post to which

NVC is sending these cases. Send a Visas Hawk to NVC for any derivative at least 16

years old for whom no NCIC has been run. NVC also sends a letter to the U.S.

petitioner to let him/her know the case has been forwarded to post.




How does a consular officer determine K3 eligibility?


20. INS must approve an I-129F petition/K3 petition before post can process the K3.

Post will receive approved I-129F petitions from INS via NVC by scanned e-mail, see

Ref E, 7-14. As is the case for K1 fiancé petitions, consular officers are not delegated

authority by INS to approve K3 petitions. Posts may, however, revalidate K3

petitions, which expire four months from the date of approval, for additional fourmonth

periods, under the provisions of 9 FAM 41.31 N5.2.

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