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I thought I would compare this to the number of births in the USA to try to determine the population shift caused by K1-K4 immigration. The number of K1-K4 immigrants is less than 1% of total the number of births in the USA. Furthermore, it is about 1/4 the number of births to girls under 17, and there are fewer K3/K4 visas issued than the number of births to girls ages 10-14.


Maybe we should shift where our efforts are spent.


Of course, the 1,000,000 total immigrants / year is a HUGE percentage (1/4) of the number of births.


In 2002, there were:


27,340 Fiancee Visas K1

4,257 Children of Fiancees K2

4,575 Spouses with Petition for Immigrant Visa Pending K3

1,158 Children of US Citizens with Immigrant Visa Pending K4


37,330 K1-K4 Visas Issued.


In the same year in the USA, there were:

4,019,280 births


Out of the above,

138,296 births were to girls 15 to 17 years old (122,202 unmarried, (thus with subtraction, 16,094 married)

7,318 births were to girls 10-14 years old (7,087 unmarried, (thus, by subtraction 231 married)


(I have troubles accounting for the 231 girls 14 and under being married and having children).


Now, the "scary statistics"

141 of the girls counted above, ages 10-14 were having their second child.

3 were having their third child

1 had her fourth child.


(the report did not list multiple births versus single births. The twin rate is approximately 15/1000 for women under 20, i.e. 110 /7,300)



2002 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, October 2003, U.S. Department of Homeland Security



Births: Preiliminary Data for 2002; National Vital Statistics Reports; Vol 51, #11; June 25, 2003


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There's a new Russell Crowe movie coming to the screen this week. Do yourself a favor and get out for awhile and go see it. Looks pretty cool!


I'd love to take my fiancee to the movie......


Isn't that what couples should be doing? Going to movies together?


Of course, some &*@%^$@#@(!!*&@#*@&(*@#(*$#*&^!!!!!

beurocrats have decided that we should be kept apart for over a year.

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