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RMB to yankee green back

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Yea this thread has done the buckshot approach. From the $ vs the Rmb to Spanky and our gang comedy. Y'all hear Butwheat. This is a memory that has gone by. Peace and flowers. See you on flip flop. 10 4 good buddy.




Thanks for all the Spanky facts Tony, it was good to see those names again.


Now this is the way a thread should be...sneak in, throw a few rocks like yore Earnest T. Bass or something.....and RUN for the hills. :lol:


Buttweet....as Eddie Murphy used to say

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I had to put on these just to get through this thread :P



Dang Carl, that shore is a mitey snappy pair of Sunday go to Meatin' pants yore wearin'. Shucks, them pants is a lil' uppity fer a feller like me, but they shore wood come in handy for those trips to the ol' outhouse durin' the wet season, what with the crek risin' 'n such, then after yore done pinchin' off the ol' mornin' constitutional you could jest walk on down to the meatin' house :D .


I'm dang happy you like this here serious thread about finances, I do try to bring some into-lectual topics to the board.


Say Carl, could cuzin' Chawls and I borrow the CFL pickemup truck tomorrow? When I drug my mansion on wheels to a new location (one without an over flowin' outhouse) I found me this here mud hole to end all mud holes...and it's got a 15 foot tall jump leadin' up to it!!!! I figger if'n I hit it jest right we will sail right over that ol' mudhole...otherwise the CFL pickemup truck will become the CFL submarine....OPPPPS :lol:



Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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I had to put on these just to get through this thread :P



Dang Carl, that shore is a mitey snappy pair of Sunday go to Meatin' pants yore wearin'. Shucks, them pants is a lil' uppity fer a feller like me, but they shore wood come in handy for those trips to the ol' outhouse durin' the wet season, what with the crek risin' 'n such, then after yore done pinchin' off the ol' mornin' constitutional you could jest walk on down to the meatin' house :D .


I'm dang happy you like this here serious thread about finances, I do try to bring some into-lectual topics to the board.


Say Carl, could cuzin' Chawls and I borrow the CFL pickemup truck tomorrow? When I drug my mansion on wheels to a new location (one without an over flowin' outhouse) I found me this here mud hole to end all mud holes...and it's got a 15 foot tall jump leadin' up to it!!!! I figger if'n I hit it jest right we will sail right over that ol' mudhole...otherwise the CFL pickemup truck will become the CFL submarine....OPPPPS :Dah:




Hey cuzin But-tweet, no need to borrow the CFL pickemup truck. Iz been doing some work on my ridem cowboy lawn mower. I took the blade and put it on top and then put a souped up enjun in it. It will be jes perfect for jumpin them mud holes. Better yet, you knows how to flies one of them things. :P

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Hey cuzin But-tweet, no need to borrow the CFL pickemup truck. Iz been doing some work on my ridem cowboy lawn mower. I took the blade and put it on top and then put a souped up enjun in it. It will be jes perfect for jumpin them mud holes. Better yet, you knows how to flies one of them things. :P



I swear to Gawd cuzin' Chawls Bubba, now I understands why you lives a few branches higher up in the dadgum family tree then I do...YOU is SMART!!!


Now Bubba, we mights need us'un to get a few of the hollar boyz to hide out by the mudhole n' shoot at us as we flies over, see, I ain't used to flyin' sumpthin' lest I'm gettin' shot at...but don't you fear none, if'n any of the gang that cain't shoot straight hits our helimower I knows how to brang 'em down without the motor runnin'. :Dah: It'll be...I say son...it'll fun, you betcha' Bob. :D


Now where the hail were we....oh yeah....I'z real happy to see the Chairman Moe stayin' around 6.8 to 1 yankee greenback...don't axe me why, it just seems pretty cool to sees the Chinese knows how to manipplelate their money as well as usin'.


Tarnation, if'n the yankee greenback turned into a worthless slug, the rmb would still be 6.8 Moe to 1 yankee slug. I'm tawkin' they is some smart people over yonder. ;) That, or either them ol' boyz ain't dones with us'in jest yet. :P Whatcha say?



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kant anyone here say: She Fan?? its whats frina is official called in China...


... and Buckwheat... about then dabnamit formal boots Carl's wearin'


...its a run up to the rainy season... when we ALL wear em' here in Orygon... Carls jus tryin' em on, thu we did get rain today...

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kant anyone here say: She Fan?? its whats frina is official called in China...


... and Buckwheat... about then dabnamit formal boots Carl's wearin'


...its a run up to the rainy season... when we ALL wear em' here in Orygon... Carls jus tryin' em on, thu we did get rain today...


Calls me Clint Eastwood and hangs me high, from what I hear, what you Organians calls rain, the rest of us calls a dern FLOOD.


Carl does look like he's gittin' dressed up fer church or a funeral, or maybe he has a day in court. :D



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